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Everything posted by elegantelliotoffen

  1. Why did Fitzgerald say that Obama had nothing to do with it then? I mean this is the same guy who said this- See the difference?
  2. Did I say he shouldn't be allowed to pursue his Ralph Kramden-like ventures? I'm just saying don't be surprised when a media-whore is paid attention to.
  3. So the left wing, in a preemptive attempt to divert attention from Obama's inevitable mishaps, forced Joe the Plumber to hire a publicist and then subsequently manufactured Joe the Plumber's new book, his new "watchdog" website, his record deal, his potential congressional candidacy, and his appearances on Glenn Beck, Hannity and Colmes, Laura Ingraham, Neil Cavuto, The Fox Report, and Mike Huckabee?
  4. You're going to hate Palin/Wurzelbacher 2012 then!
  5. You mean like Sean Hannity and Glenn Beck?
  6. Dat der Obammer is pausin' an thinkin bout dem big words again-why ain't he juzz be more like us??
  7. Just a hunch but I doubt that a divorced guy with a tax lien and a salary of 40K per year was ever in the financial position to buy a company that profits 250K per year. Just saying.
  8. Or maybe his dog ate all his money.
  9. Wrong again idiot, - "I'm getting ready to buy a company that makes about uh 250, 270-80 thousand dollars a year. Your new tax plan is going to tax me more isn't it?" That sure doesn't sound like a hypothetical to me. But I guess you just hear what you want to hear, right?
  10. What part of "he's a liar" can't you understand? How can you be on the verge of buying a business that profits 250K per year when you are broke? It's not his message that people dislike him for, it's the fact that he lied! If he hadn't misrepresented himself nobody would give a sh-- about him. By the way using one "LOL" emoticon is kind of flimsy, two is definitely feminine, but three is downright gay!
  11. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Meme
  12. Holy Mackerel! 650!!?? This changes everything!
  13. So the worst insult you can hurl at me is "You source your references!"? Unlike you fatso I don't read/hear something and then immediately co-opt its ideas as my own. And by the way have you ever heard of the law of diminishing returns? After about the tenth time Talking Point Tom regurgitated his "links meme" it really had lost most of its mojo. Then it passed through KiddieDiddler in CT and LABallzfondler leaving you with a completely hollow and overused catch phrase. Now that's either sloppy fourths or one lame-ass game of douchebag telephone! Why can't Chef Jim come up with Chef Jim's own witty retorts?
  14. Who became the cornerstone of McCain's campaign.
  15. Maybe you should take a look at Senator Inhofe's campaign contributors then.
  16. You shouldn't eat all that crap, you're going to get diabetes.
  17. Have you heard yet that Obama pals around with William Ayers, a terrorist who once bombed the Pentagon?
  18. Actually you're permanently locked in this gear- 3. Ranting, shilling, unintelligible, wingnut hack-mode for LABallzFondler, KoolaideDrinker in CT, and Wacka.
  19. I can't believe The King of All Memes Talking Point Tom can't discern a joke, albeit not the best of lines, when he sees one!
  20. I know, it almost cost him the election!
  21. So are you going to make me type out "anthropogenic" every time we discuss global warming?
  22. Actually that would defeat the purpose of misrepresenting other people's thoughts as your own wouldn't it? Talking Point Tom doth protest too much, methinks!
  23. When you were young did you envision yourself as a middle aged man feverishly seeking the approval of another middle aged man over the internet (Talking Point Tom)? How dissappointing! You're the Willy Loman of internet message boards!
  24. Can you name one scientific body that denies global warming? (Besides The Union of Petroleum Scientists of course!) American Association for the Advancement of Science The American Physical Society The Joint Science Academies at the 2008 G8 Summit International Council of Academies of Engineering and Technological Sciences The National Research Council Federation of American Scientists The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change World Meteorogical Organization American Meteorogical Society International Union of Geological Sciences Geological Society of America American Geophysical Union American Astronomical Society The EPA The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration The InterAcademy Council Royal Meteorological Society Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society Canadian Foundation for Climate and Atmospheric Sciences International Union for Quaternary Research American Quaternary Association International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics Stratigraphy Commission of the Geological Society of London International Union of Geological Sciences European Geosciences Union Canadian Federation of Earth Sciences American Society for Microbiology American Statistical Association Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society European Academies of Sciences and Arts NASA American Institute of Physics Network of African Science Academies The European Science Foundation Stephen Hawking The CIA and the Pentagon American Chemical Society The Union of Concerned Scientists
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