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Everything posted by elegantelliotoffen

  1. Guess who Howard is voting for
  2. So blacks voted in droves for one middle aged white guy instead of another middle aged white guy because they were racist?
  3. Kerry and Gore both received 90% of the black vote.
  4. More Johnstown PA Racism Johnstown PA is in fact located in Western PA But I suppose Murtha is just fear mongering?
  5. Those businesses sure had "less incentive" to grow during the Clinton years, right?
  6. And I also doubt that Kerry and Gore were consistently polling ahead of Bush in the battleground states like Obama is.
  7. Not really http://www.cnn.com/ELECTION/2004/special/polls/index.html http://www.cnn.com/ELECTION/2000/resources/polls.html
  8. What's the difference between "white people" and Palin supporters? Palin supporters love not knowin' the answer to your question. "Is Barack Obama a Christian?" "I don't know that sh---Keepin' it real!" Keepin' it real stupid! Wanna keep your money safe from Palin supporters? Hide it in your books-Palin supporters don't read! Books are like kryptonite to Palin supporters!
  9. He needs a team of able bodied whippersnappers to lug around all of his Depends!
  10. Did ANY trades happen today?
  11. Right, the media has completely ignored the Bill Ayers and Jeremiah Wright memes.
  12. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2008/10/14/m...a_n_134595.html Who is the real John McCain? Why is he "palling around" with this terrorist?
  13. Well if you're going to use a source from an academic to "prove" that Nixon really won Illinois in 1960 than to be consistant you should believe that Gore won Florida in 2000. Since you have such a hard-on for academics- http://www.hamilton.edu/news/florida/KlinknerAnalysis2.htmlProfessor Walter Mebane from Cornell http://www.projecteuclid.org/DPubS?verb=Di...amp;page=record http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displ...&aid=103904 http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=252330 http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displ...&aid=246606 And about one million more....
  14. In that case I assume you believe that Al Gore won Florida in 2000, correct?
  15. Because people shouldn't complain about the president when he's done a sh------- job right? I hope you show the same sort of patience and restraint for President Obama.
  16. You're right, a math professor could never have crazy political beliefs......wait, wasn't Ted Kaczynski a math professor? Got anymore conspiracy theories you'd like to share with us, this is really amusing!
  17. Who is Lurker and what's his homework?
  18. Since when do history teachers teach right wing urban legends?
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