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Everything posted by elegantelliotoffen

  1. If you rearrange the letters from "Roscoe Parrish" you can spell "Hair Processor". That sounds like a GREAT nickname, RIGHT?
  2. DIE TONY, DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. I doubt Pelosi believes anything as nuts as humans and dinosaurs living together 6000 years ago.
  4. So the Democrats were too spineless to end the Iraq War, something the voters gave them a mandate to do, yet they will be willing to ram through something as unpopular as the fairness doctrine?
  5. "They're coming to take away your Rush Limbaugh!!!!"
  6. She "runs" Alaska? She probably hasn't stepped foot in Alaska since late August and the last I checked Alaska was "running" fine.
  7. So Bush wouldn't have invaded Iraq if he had better intelligence?
  8. What did Cheney do? Is that a serious question?
  9. Draft Joe the Plumber for Congress! "A future small business owner- Check" Hahahahahaha!
  10. http://www.local12.com/mostpopular/story.a...a8-f8b18ef1c2d1
  11. Maybe I missed it but what is the "beatdown" you're referring to?
  12. Maybe he shouldn't have went on his post debate media blitz if he didn't want to become a public figure.
  13. I think this what prompted his remarks.
  14. What should it be referred to as?
  15. Hopefully the Republicans keep the Dems under 60 seats so they can fillibuster Obama's Left Wing Death Squads!
  16. "Walk out slowly so I can look at your fine ass!"
  17. Randy Weaver, is that you?
  18. Don't leave out that the UN blue helmets will be going door to door confiscating your guns while every American male will be forced to have gay sex at least once a day.
  19. For a guy who doesn't consider wealth as measure of one's money you're certainly throwing quite a tantrum over a hypothetical 1400 dollar tax increase.
  20. Does anyone really believe that a man who made 40k last year and owes over a grand in past taxes is really on the cusp of buying a company that PROFITS 250K per year?
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