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Everything posted by elegantelliotoffen

  1. It happens to every team so if we lose to Miami this week don't bug out!
  2. I thought John Kerry was the most liberal......and then Hillary was the most liberal......
  3. Are you equally as concerned with John McCain's relationship with G. Gordon Liddy?
  4. I love when the righties complain about "irrational bush hatred" when 8 years later they are still manufacturing ways to blame Bill Clinton for everything!
  5. Did you ever consider that maybe they didn't enjoy having a complete stranger at their doorstep and were just a little bit irritated?
  6. What crazy people! God forbid they think independently and disapprove of a president. They should fall into line no matter what!
  7. Maybe he should just fill his cabinet will everyday folks like Joe the Plumber! He's hardly a "Washington retread".
  8. So Obama is going to hold over Bush's entire cabinet?
  9. Because change only has to do with bringing new faces to Washington and has nothing to do with policy changes, right?
  10. They'd murder you right on the spot, right?
  11. Yup, but somehow that's different............
  12. http://www.taxfoundation.org/research/topic/11.html
  13. How can something that Obama said once be a mantra?
  14. How old are you? 90?
  15. Have you considered that Obama has been vetted and maybe your Obama conspiracy theories and "associations" are all bullsh--?
  16. http://politicalticker.blogs.cnn.com/2008/...thout-colorado/ I'm no political scientist but it sounds like McCain is drawing for a gutshot straight while all his outs are already in the muck.
  17. Actually it's called official White House policy.
  18. Did this "gaffe" really require a second thread?
  19. Ummm, I thought we were already doing that?
  20. And if you rearrange "Chris Kelsay" you can spell "Shaky Slicer"!
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