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Everything posted by elegantelliotoffen

  1. We should be equally wary of Christians then as well. Just look at Eric Rudolph, James Kopp, David Koresh, Paul Jenning Hill, Mike Bray, Randy Weaver, Clayton Wagner, The Lambs of Christ, The Army of God, and Stephen Jordi.
  2. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ynews/20081022/pl_ynews/ynews_pl106
  3. They're too busy holding hearings on that boat in Cincinnati.
  4. http://politicalticker.blogs.cnn.com/2008/...-pres-bush-won/
  5. Intrade has Obama as almost a 6 to 1 favorite. http://www.intrade.com/
  6. No, I'm pathologically focused on everything else in the world besides a boat in Cincinnati.
  7. That's it, I'm switching my vote to McCain. I didn't realize the effects this election would have on a boat in Cincinnati!
  8. Colin had to thrown in the standard "There's nothing to do in Buffalo" jab during the interview.
  9. Do you realize that union workers only make up 7% of the private sector workforce?
  10. Why don't you ask McCain? At the debate he said he knows how to get Bin Laden but I guess we'll just have to elect him to learn his secret.
  11. http://www.breitbart.com/article.php?id=D9...;show_article=1
  12. Maybe they voted that way because of people like John McCain suggesting that the 2001 anthrax attacks came from Iraq.
  13. No, he had help from Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Feith, and Perle.
  14. No big deal. All "Joe Six-Packs" from "Real America" have 150K wardrobes.
  15. I don't want to burst your bubble but the United States has had a progressive income tax for quite some time now.
  16. No, of course not. And neither does Obama.
  17. Steroids strengthen the muscles but not the ligaments or bones.
  18. Please endulge me-what is your interpretation of communism?
  19. What's your definition of communism?
  20. McCain's campaign has been terrible-all tactics with no strategy. One day it's "Obama the celebrity" then it's the Gas Tax Holiday then it's "Obama's Tire Gauge" then it's Sarah Palin then it's "lipstick on a pig" then it's Bill Ayers then it's ACORN then it's "Joe the Plumber" and now it's "Obama the Socialist". Is it any surprise that a plurality of McCain supporters say they're only voting for him because he's the lesser of two evils? He should ask Kerry how well the "Anyone but Bush" strategy worked in 2004.
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