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Everything posted by elegantelliotoffen

  1. I think both parties have some fault in the last 2 years of congressional gridlock.
  2. It's congress's approval rating not just the approval rating of the majority party. If voters were really so pissed at just the Dem legislators then why are they on the verge of expanding the Dem's majorities in both chambers of congress? I could just as easily argue that the low approval rating is directed at the obstructionist Republican minority. I guess Republicans only stand for "up and down votes" when they are in the majority!
  3. You left out the roving left wing death squads who will round up "real" Americans like Joe the Plumber for mandatory reprogramming.
  4. Sounds like someone has overdosed on talk radio!
  5. Ever hear of a spurious relationship?
  6. Because this tax increase is only going towards buying unemployed welfare queens new cadillacs, right?
  7. Morton Downey Jr anyone?
  8. Should Obama be on the hook for all of his deadbeat father's (a man who he only saw once after the age of 2) illegitimate kids?
  9. Maybe he's waiting for Cindy McCain to do the same for her sister.
  10. Can you say anything besides "Obama is a fraud"?
  11. I doubt they get a super majority.
  12. I can't believe that the guy who called Northern Virginians "communists" would call 911 because he had to sit in his car for 5 minutes. .
  13. Does anyone know where I can't get some of those really cool golf shirts Rushbo always wears?
  14. Weren't all the righties bitching and moaning yesterday about the fairness doctrine yet today they have the nerve to whine about SNL not being balanced?
  15. He did. http://www.mediabistro.com/tvnewser/cnn/gr...eview_98417.asp
  16. At least "leftists" only shoot inanimate objects. http://www.knoxnews.com/news/2008/jul/29/s...-church-attack/ http://www.cnn.com/2008/CRIME/08/13/arkans...ting/index.html
  17. Since when is Drew Griffin a "leftist reporter"?
  18. Was he butchering any idioms?
  19. Maybe she was asking for it in the way she was talking?
  20. She doesn't "run" Alaska. She hasn't stepped foot in the state since August and Alaska seems to be "running" fine.
  21. It's not overused, I've only heard erynthered use it 3 times so far today!
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