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Everything posted by elegantelliotoffen

  1. I really don't see any possible electoral path McCain can take to hit 270. If Obama carries every Kerry state then all he needs to add is Iowa, New Mexico, and Colorado to get 273. Winning Virgina, Ohio, Missouri, Florida, Nevada, or North Carolina would be a bonus.
  2. Not Intrade. In 2004 Kerry/Bush contracts swung wildly in real time as the exit polls came out. This is a good read of how Intrade was pretty accurate in 2004, except for when the exit polls leaked.
  3. If the race was really tightening you'd see some movement on Intrade yet Obama still gained .5 today while McCain lost .5. The media likes to throw McCain bones every time a poll has him within 5 so that they won't be accused of trying to demoralize Republicans to the point that it effects their turnout. This race is over and will be called before 9pm when Obama wins Pennsylvania and Virginia.
  4. McCain won't even have the opportunity to be tested. All our adversaries would have to do is wait until after 5pm when Ol' Barleyfarts has already been tucked in for the night and they'll have free reign over the world!
  5. Who says it is a "legimate" news story? Drudge? I could ask the same question as to why the MSM isn't hammering McCain for his ties to G. Gordon Liddy.
  6. And I suppose the rating agencies gave all those subprime mortgage securities AAA ratings just to help out those poor minorities?
  7. Ooooh goody- another Obama "association"! Thank god there's only 8 more days of this.
  8. Crickets.....................
  9. To make them feel like a big man, duh!
  10. Clutch the pearls, what a sneaky thing to do! OH MY GOD OBAMA USED THE WORD REDISTRIBUTIVE! HE'S OBVIOUSLY A COMMUNIST!!!!
  11. So this is your smoking gun?
  12. Looks like he doesn't! Hahahahahahahahaha!
  13. That can't be! SD Jughead clearly stated the video was an admission by Obama that he's a socialist. In this clip he must have spoken at great lengths about the need to institute a command economy in the United States with the nationalization of all major industries, right? I'm sure he also mentioned how he believed in a classless, stateless society too, right?
  14. So does Obama say "I am a socialist" in the clip?
  15. Some people have jobs and cannot view youtube at workout. Can you please paraphrase this smoking gun for and once and for all prove that Obama is indeed a Socialist. I bet it's as revealing as the Obama "babykiller" clip that was circulating the web a few weeks ago.
  16. Provide a transcript please.
  17. Looks like the wingnuts are going into preemptive crybaby mode! Waaaaaaaah!
  18. But wouldn't they be in a position to win a plurality of the vote in virtually every election?
  19. The fiscal Rebublicans and hawkish Republicans should ditch the Jesus freaks and create a third party.
  20. Sort of like convincing the masses that a certain country possesses non-existent WMD's and then using this fear to...well you know the rest!
  21. I thought Biden handled himself masterfully. She was definitely trying to goad him into a "gaffe".
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