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Everything posted by elegantelliotoffen

  1. He wasn't? Apology accepted.
  2. Although Morris worked for Clinton he was always a Republican so he didn't really defect from the Democrats.
  3. Perhaps he's been too busy frequenting prostitutes to follow the election.
  4. I'm still not sure how a two sentence quote from Barney Frank is supposed to absolve the Republicans from their share of responsibility- Didn't the Republicans control all 3 branches of government in 2003?
  5. Joe the Plumber and Sarah Palin are perfect for each other!
  6. Didn't post what?
  7. Actually Elegant Elliot LessfrequentthanDCTom
  8. OK, i found it. You guys post too much!
  9. I don't see any NYT's articles. Maybe the combined awesomeness of your "NYT article" and your science fiction economist crashed the server!
  10. You wrote a NYT article?
  11. Congress Grills Former AIG Chiefs Committee Holds Hearing on Causes and Effects of the Lehman Brothers Bankruptcy Fed Chairman Bernanke to Testify Before House Greenspan: 'Credit tsunami' to have severe impact No science fiction authors were asked to testify however...
  12. I'm sure if someone posted an Op-Ed piece on the economic crisis by someone like Paul Krugman-An actual economist-they'd get get killed by the conservatives yet they expect everyone to defer to a similar column penned by a SCIENCE FICTION writer? That's one step above romance novelists! You can't make this sh-- up!
  13. Sure he can-on wormholes, time travel, and reptoids.
  14. I'm still waiting for Gene Roddenberry to weigh in on the subprime mortgage crisis.
  15. Both sides share the blame.
  16. It's not very accurate when their isn't any quantitative data to base the prediction on.
  17. Hahahahahahahahahahahaha
  18. If the economy recovers and Obama gets us out of Iraq the Republican party might as well be renamed the "Southeastern Conservative White Evangelical Christian Party" for the next few decades.
  19. Her contracts were less than Pawlenty, Romney, Ridge etc until news broke about the private jet flying from Alaska to Ohio.
  20. http://people-press.org/report/465/mccain-support-declines
  21. "I don't know what happened-all I did was put a weapon that was created to kill as many humans as possible in the shortest amount of time without reloading into the hands of an unprepared 8 year old so that I can watch and get my rocks off and take an awesome picture to show to my buddies Gary and Floyd." You think Mr Bizilj is sleeping on the couch this week?
  22. Sounds like a tax expert to me!
  23. It's pretty interesting. Around the Republican Convention McCain was actually trading in the high 50's, low 60's and Obama was in the high 30's, low 40's. You could have made a hell of alot of money off shorting McCain at 60 and buying him back this week at about 12.
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