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Everything posted by elegantelliotoffen

  1. Are you as equally as outraged over the disparate CEO compensation levels between American and Japanese automotive companies? Why does the CEO of GM make over 9 million dollars in compensation compared to the 900,000 made by Toyota's CEO? Are you leading the charge for capping CEO compensation? Oh, I forgot you don't condone class warfare. Yeah, right.
  2. What are the differences between the automobile trade policies from country to country(Not a rhetorical or gotcha question)?
  3. Clearly these are the words of someone who doesn't condone class warfare.
  4. He's against class warfare, obviously.
  5. Ooooooh, ok, that's pretty good, you're getting there!
  6. Exactly my point Gay Squared!
  7. I'm afraid you're now the fifth one in on the reguritation of Talking Point Tom's links meme. Why are you so unoriginal? Be yourself and come up with your own creative dig against me. Show some wit! I'll even give you some ideas, like my posts are usually very short. There you go, that can be GG's unique take on elegantelliotoffen! It's all yours!
  8. He doesn't condone class warfare so you're answering a paradoxical question.
  9. We'll have to wait until Talking Point Tom comes back online and throws KiddieDiddler a lifeline!
  10. But you don't condone class warfare.
  11. I thought that you were against class warfare? Looks like someone can't keep his talking points straight
  12. I thought that you were against class warfare? Looks like someone can't keep his talking points straight!
  13. I suppose that these retirees are all immortals?
  14. I heard some of these UAW workers even post on message boards while they are at work!
  15. I hate to break it to you but you can't prove "first-hand knowledge of the subject" on a message board.
  16. I didn't? Actually I provided incontrovertible proof that your "computer models" take was just a rehashing of a widely circulated right wing talking point. Whether you or your cheering section of brain deficient Talking Point Tom fanboys chooses to accept that I don't care.
  17. Isn't it ironic that the guy who's most vocal in criticizing the ratio between other workers compensation and their work ethic is a nerd who has accumulated over 11,000 posts on a single message board, most of which were written while he was supposed to be working?
  18. There's nothing like bragging about "message board beatdown" that screams to the world "I'm a nerdy loser who spent my entire youth crammed into a locker!". I love how all the right wing losers here claim to be "independents" yet Chuck Baldwin and Bob Barr couldn't manage one million votes between them. They barely even received one half of one percent! Just admit it-you're a Republican and a partisan one at that.
  19. The Republicans killed this deal and have risked plunging this country deeper into recession over the difference between 2009 and 2011? Seriously? Thanks for putting your idiotic ideology which has already been repudiated by the American public the last two election cycles ahead of the country! What kind of an !@#$ do you have to be to play scorched-earth politics in the midst of the worst economic crisis since The Great Depression?
  20. http://news.yahoo.com/s/politico/20081212/pl_politico/16515
  21. I thought the Republicans believed in "up and down votes"?
  22. "Waaaaaaa, why doesn't anyone care about Obama's spurious "associations", Waaaaaaaaaa!"
  23. What's even more shocking than that is that the righties can't understand the concept behind Digg.
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