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Everything posted by elegantelliotoffen

  1. What does the semantics of the word "professor" have to do with the assertion that Obama "doesn't support the Constitution"?
  2. Where did Obama say "I don't support the Constitution"? Please, enlighten me.
  3. Where's your proof that Obama doesn't support the constitution? Link or STFU!
  4. Like she even knows what the fairness doctrine is!
  5. Since when can the President unilaterally change the Constitution?
  6. How can Obama "state his willingness and a possible desire to change the Constitution" without disclosing it?
  7. It still costs less than McCain's top secret method of how to capture/kill Osama Bin Laden.
  8. It's hard to believe that a WRESTLING FAN would be too stupid to realize when someone is deadpanning a lame joke.
  9. I said it wasn't the funniest of lines. Watch this. The audience is barely laughing but it is undeniably GENIUS!
  10. I'd love to see you furrow your brows in confusion while you watch a movie like Airplane! or The Naked Gun as joke after joke flies over your head! "I don't get it- why is he calling him Shirley?"
  11. You probably have difficulty watching television shows without laugh tracks, don't you?
  12. You idiots are unreal. Do you know what "deadpan" means? Jesus Christ it wasn't the funniest line but you have to be completely retarded to realize he was joking.
  13. Check out McCain's "Forward-thinking judgement"!
  14. http://www.buffalonews.com/452/story/479674.html
  15. True if it was his own money he was spending.
  16. Huuuuuuuuuuuuuuge waste! It just gave Obama a bounce in every model of the Gallup poll going into the final weekend before election day! He is now +11 (registered), +9 (likey voters expanded), and +8 (likely voters traditional). I guess winding down your campaign with a strong closing argument is just a waste!
  17. You're the exception!
  18. I'm starting to detect a correlation between the posters on this board whose screen name's combine their geographic location with their first name/initials and wanton douchebaggery.
  19. Another flimsy emoticon geek is calling me an idiot, OH NO!
  20. Is this like the Peggy reference where it doesn't make sense unless you have read and re-read every single thread in this forum and have over 14,000 posts?
  21. http://www.newstatesman.com/north-america/...-obama-vote-usa
  22. I'd rather be an idiot than a "grown man" who uses emoticons.
  23. So you could go from nerdy message board lurker guy to a Pulitzer Prize winning journalist just by writing articles about the people Obama happens to be in the same room with at one time or another?
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