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Everything posted by elegantelliotoffen

  1. Why do I find it hard to believe this second hand information that you have just related to us in such a befuddled manner?
  2. When Obama runs on a platform of forcing everyone to subsidize each and every of their long lost relatives then you will have a point. Until then you're just shaking your fist at the sky before the inevitable Obama landslide!
  3. So Taiwan has become a defacto U.S. state much like Israel has?
  4. Did you see what happened to the foreign markets when the Dow plummeted a few weeks back? Imagine what would happen if the 2 drivers of the global economy went to war.
  5. I'm sure that Russia and China can't wait to nuke us and ruin their economies in the process.
  6. You don't agree with- or or or These seem like reasonable ideas to me.
  7. Actually it's not "quite plausible".
  9. How does Tom Ridge sound right about now?
  10. What is just as concerning as how gullible Palin was shown to be in this prank is that she has apparently surrounded herself with people as equally moronic as her.
  11. Great! To stick it to the Republicans for their adherence to "big government" principles you.........voted for a another longtime Republican who brought the federal government to a standstill over a BJ. But at least he has an "L" after his name! He's obviously different now!
  12. After listening to this I wouldn't be so sure about that!
  13. Can you believe that she's almost one yellow toothed, disabled, cancer having, 72 year old heartbeat away from the Presidency? http://canadianpress.google.com/article/AL...-_At5WVYrBoJ6JQ
  14. With a change of scenery who knows.....
  15. http://www.juneauempire.com/stories/030805...050308002.shtml
  16. They'll have to paint the White House yellow to match his disgusting teeth!
  17. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that you're asking idiotic questions about Obama's half-brother and his deadbeat dad's half-sister when we are in the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression. No one gives a sh-- except for you wingnuts!
  18. Oh my god that's awful! The next thing you know all the white trash won't be able to take their kids to a quarry to shoot pumpkins with Uzis!
  19. About as much as Obama's deadbeat dad's (who he only met once) half-sister has to do with the election. But anything to take your minds off the upcoming Obama landslide, right?
  20. Maybe this will help!
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