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Everything posted by elegantelliotoffen

  1. You should be kinder to the media if you expect them to promote that awesome march on Washington that you are planning!
  2. Waaaaaa it isn't fair!
  3. http://michellemalkin.com/2007/10/08/graem...er-child-abuse/
  4. Maybe you should take a closer look at the map.
  5. Gas tax holiday "Drill Here Drill Now" The tire gauge Celebrity Sarah Palin Lipstick on a Pig Suspending his campaign to "return" to Washington Sarah Palin Socialist Joe the Plumber Sarah Palin Spread the Wealth Bill Ayers Khalid Rashidi Joe Biden says we will be attacked The Coal Thing Jeremiah Wright 163 ELECTORAL VOTES! Great campaign John! Worst collection of gimmicks ever!
  6. I wonder where all the wingnuts are?
  7. Looks like McCain must have had a great night!
  8. The only thing scary about this election is that McCain picked a complete imbecile from an completely moronic and backward state where being convicted of felony a week before the election actually helps your re-election. Should we all still be impressed that she was elected governor of this state or that she has a high approval rating? http://politicalticker.blogs.cnn.com/2008/...lls-age-v-race/
  9. Why are you so worried about Israel? They could wipe the floor with the entire Middle East in a few days.
  10. As long as Florida has 27 electoral votes and remains as competitive as it is Republicans and Democrats will bend over backwards for Israel.
  11. I was very impressed with the security.
  12. If he wants to "congratulate" him let him. Who gives a sh--.
  13. Be specific.
  14. Christ you're like a nit-picking woman.
  15. Was I the only one who noticed how much body armor Barack and Michelle were wearing?
  16. How about THE MAJORITY!
  17. Can we pin this thread please?
  18. I loved the grimace on Palin's face!
  19. The Republican Party from here on out is the Southeastern Non-College Educated White Evangelical Christian Party.
  20. 2004 worked out real well for you guys!
  21. The publisher was obviously laundering money from Hamas to Obama so that he could continue to subvert our democracy.
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