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Everything posted by elegantelliotoffen

  1. This one? http://www.stadiumwall.com/index.php?showt...72845&st=80
  2. I think both of you owe Simon an apology.
  3. Now who's the one with the reading comprehension deficiency?
  4. This thread's title is misleading.
  5. I 100% agree with your sentiment! From here on out everyone should assume that any and all of RI Bills Fans posts have been endorsed by the Elegant One and vice versa.
  6. I hope you have a good lawyer!
  7. Actually I think that the person with the low IQ is the person who is responding to a joke post as if it were serious.
  8. Alexander Haig????????
  9. Looks like all the men in uniform fanboys are out in full force in this thread!
  10. Awwwww the crybaby's feelings are still hurt after losing the election!
  11. Why is she mulling a run for U.S. Senate? Wouldn't that be a demotion from all that great executive experience she's been getting "running" Alaska?
  12. Maybe people will stop making threads calling attention to Sarah Palin when Sarah Palin stops bringing attention to herself. Whats the matter, are you embarrassed that the standard bearer for the conservative movement thinks that Africa is a country and not a continent?
  13. Are you addicted to plagiarizing? Or are you just too moronic to come up with any original thoughts of your own? http://www.stadiumwall.com/index.php?showt...p;#entry1161863 http://www.stadiumwall.com/index.php?showt...p;#entry1155557
  14. You mean our next Vice President?
  15. Plagiarist! http://www.patriotnetwork.net/forum/showthread.php?t=8471 http://forums.myspace.com/t/4271040.aspx?f...rums.viewthread
  16. The BJ obviously. Sex is dirty and is something we all should feel guilty about.
  17. I love the feigned outrage the wingnuts are espousing over stuff hasn't even happened yet and probably never will. You lost, get over it!
  18. Raising the top income tax rate from 35% to 39% is "unmerciful"?
  19. And why is that a surprise? Does Letterman talk up Leno?
  20. Is their a cap on the benefits of being a U.S. citizen?
  21. So you believe that there should be no cap on the social security tax?
  22. Here's one of my favorites- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phrenology
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