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Everything posted by bills7834

  1. I think 11-5 if they stay relatively healthy. That defense was pretty good last year and they have all the starters back minus Searcy. Imagine how much better the defense can be if the offense can up their time of possession from last year. Scoring more points to boot wouldn't hurt either.
  2. I think Watkins gets a bit healthier after the break and lights it up against the Jets.
  3. To answer your questions if he is faster than CJ or stronger than Fred my answer is no. Now if you were to ask is he faster than Fred and stronger than CJ I'd say yes. I'm excited for Sunday and hoping for a happy two week break.
  4. Are you a Sammie skeptic because what they gave up to get him or because of his abilities? I have watched him throughout college and was wanting the Bills to draft him since his freshman year.
  5. I think he did it the opposite of Bruce Smith. Bruce got lighter as he aged while Fred seems to have bulked up and becoming more of a power back.
  6. I'll give you one thing. You're honest by not hiding your feelings about wanting the starting qb on your team to fail.
  7. Fred Jackson Field. Sorry Tampa Bob for beating you to this!
  8. This bar has been closed for a while. Hunleys is supposed to be Bills bar.
  9. I'm not a big fan of trash talking. I was a fan of the hatred the team had for the Fins though. I remember Thurman after a big play flexing along the fins sidelines. I think athletes should play fair but when they play with an edge they tend to perform at a higher level. I even see it with the 16 year old travel soccer teams I coach.
  10. I think you are correct about the scheme. I think that players that are hitting are less likely to get injured than those being pushed around. I also agree that luck has something to do with that as well.
  11. That's catchy. I may steal that line!
  12. I'm so amped right now. I have wgr55 on my tablet half way across the world. Right when they were announcing the starting offense a few blackhawks flew over. Go Bills!
  13. +1 I say the same thing to whoever is lucky enough to watch the game with me.
  14. I’m probably in the minority here but I would only trade him if I got what I thought was fair value. If I didn't get fair value I would keep him and play him. He will play at a high level or his value would drop like a rock. If he doesn't play with this "injury" then his value drops due to that. If he goes through the motions and doesn't perform at a high level his value drops even more because teams will look at his maturity level as a professional athlete. The one thing I would not do is keep him and not play him. That solves nothing IMHO.
  15. PTR...Is this your way to get referrals? Low blow On another note if you are outside the US don't purchase this as it won't work. I paid for the preseason package, while home in the US and coudn't access it once I got back to where I am now. It was cheap so I didn't care about the money. Game Pass for those that live overseas. I know most probaly know this but just in case you are deployed and not familiar with this.
  16. SDS, I think you may have server issues. I think we are running off a cached server page.
  17. I really don't know what your issue is with CJ. You seem to have an issue with everything he does. Last year was the most painful year of football for me to watch in many years. When Chan would pull him off the field I would just get sick to my stomach. The way I read the aritcle and I could be wrong is CJ didn't say all of those things. They were not in quotes. I'll be the first person to say it in this thread. I believe CJ Spiller will get 2000 yards this season. I think he has the skill set to surpass that mark. If they run him like they say they will and he stays healthy he will reach the 2000 yard mark. I think having a roookie QB helps him in that they will want to bring him along slowly like Big Ben and they will lean heavily on the running game.
  18. I'm not old enough to have watched him live. From all the footage I saw of him he was a man amongst boys. He was Bo Jackson before Bo Jackson. I also have very little respect for him as a man. He decided to beat the snot out of women for the majority of his life. I have no tolerence for that type of man. Sorry for the rant, but I'm not sure why his name is not linked to this. Many men have been tarred and feathered by the media for far less.
  19. I am just guessing here. It wasn't mentioned by the announcers. I think maybe Spiller made a mental mistake. I think he may have seen the marker and thought he had the first down. What he didn't realize is that there is a marker and a 10 yard chain attached to it. I can't believe he ran out of bounds knowing he needed more yards with some daylight in front of him. Did anyone hear anything in an interview from him? Just curious to find out.
  20. It's crazy how they have become a circus. I believe that every organization takes the personality of it's leader. Rex may be a good x's and o's guy but he's a loose cannon. I believe they will implode this year and possibly end up in 4th place in the east. They have talent but they are a mess.
  21. I couldn't have said it better myself. He is one class act and a tremendous football player to boot. I wonder if he would be as driven and as good had he not had to overcome so many obstacles in his football career.
  22. I often think the internet is like driving in the car people say things they wouldn't say to others if they were in person. The guy was used quite a bit in the wildcat formation and on offense at a major college. I didn't pull this out of my arse. Chan likes the wildcat whether you do or not. If i had said will Chan use him as a punt returner because he had success on college would that ne dumb?
  23. I probabl;y should have posted in my OP that I'm not a huge fan of the wildcat. It was only effective last year in short yardage situations. I'm hoping with the improved OL and a top 5 RB duo we won't have to use it. What I am saying is that I see Brad Smith gone after this year and probably VY unless he is the starter. If Chan still wants to run the wildcat he would be an option in year two. He has a body of work all 3 of his years in one of the toughest divisions in college. I do think that Chan is aware of this. My guess is that if you were to ask Chan about Gilmore possibly being used in the wildcat he would say something like this, "He's a young kid that we want to get as many reps at CB and while we are aware that he ran it effectively in college I don't think it's something we will be doing right now, we have Brad and Vince". I understand if you don't think the wildcat is an effective formation anymore. I'm just questioning why some thing it is so far fetched that they would use a top 10 pick at some point in this formation. Top picks are used for PR/KR every year, Spiller,McKelvin, etc. I know their is a higher risk of injury returning kicks than running the wildcat. Will they use him this year? Hell no, with the croud they have back there and the steep learning curve to be a starting CB. I will say next year if they are still using the wildcat when the croud has thinned out and he has established himself as a starting CB Chan will look at it.
  24. I didn't say I wanted him to play in the wildcat. I'd repost but it's to difficult from my phone. What I'm saying is he has played quite a bit on offense at a major football college in a major conference and it's not out of the question that Chan and company would look at him in the future. The father of the wildcat and the last head coach to still run this formation are on the Bills coaching staff as I'm sure you are aware. I love Brad Smith for the short yardage he picks up but that's all he offered the team. With an improved offensive line I think they should be able to pound the rock. Unless Brad offers more then this in the upcoming season I don't see them wasting the money or roster spot on him. VY will only be here next season if he starts or gets some playing time and a shot to start the following season. He's not staying to be the Bills long term backup. Fred is not a great option in the wildcat. I live down in SC and watched a lot of Gilmore and he was used successfully in quite a few offensive plays. What I'll say again in different words is that I believe in the future they will use him in the wildcat. I do realize that he needs to learn and get as many snaps at CB as possible since he probably is slotted as a day one starter.
  25. I'm not saying I want Chan to use Gilmore in the wildcat. I'm saying it is a possibility. I'm not really thinking outside the box and pulling this out of my arse as you can see from the following links: Yahoo SPorts ESPN Video Just two links and you can find many more by just searching on Google. He played CB, HB, QB(wild cat) and WR as well as punt returner with the Cocks. I don't think they will have him take snaps this season on offense but I wouldn't put it past Gailey in the future. How long will Brad Smith be here with all these other options? Someone mentioned not risking him getting injured. I don't buy that. I'm sure he'll get some punt or kick returns at least in preseason which there is a much higher risk of getting injured than taking a few snaps as a wildcat QB. IMHO.
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