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Everything posted by damj

  1. Ok ... who can we blame this morning's server crash on? I'll say SKOOBY ... he posted something that was: 1.) True 2.) Verifiable 3.) Unique, and 4.) Interesting Server just couldn't handle it and fried itself.
  2. Ok .. Ok ... I might have exagerated the first one ... a little
  3. I prefer "Evil Genius" or "A Voodoo woman named Phyllis".
  4. Yes, but prior precedence was set in the case of Johnson vs. the Purple Nipple strip club when the Honorable Judge Rection (Hugh G.) ruled that: 1.) Steely Dan is a gimp who likes to dress up farm animals are attempt to date them, and 2.) The creator of said contest is free to make up whatever rules he so chose, and that all interpretations of winners were at the sole discretion on the contest creator.
  5. yes ... you won ... absolutely nothing.
  6. Nice try ... that's my name next to post #1 ... don't be a hater man ... don't be a hater ...
  7. No ... I buy my slips from Victoria's Secret.
  8. Yeah ... I get it ... wasn't defending Deerballs ... I was just rolling with the subliminal message theme ... seemed to make sense at the time, but now I'm not so sure ... my coffee buzz wore off and my brain shut down about 3:00 ...
  9. Uh oh Bad idea ... I better join the Wit-less Protection Program
  10. I had always thought the song was based on the Ottawa shooting ... I had never heard Geldof's comment before ... interesting.
  11. We were there last Labor day for the weekend ... we did Times Square friday night. Saturday, we did all of lower Manhattan ... we got passes for the double decker tour bus. You see lots of stuff from the bus, but then can get off at different stops and explore. We got off at Central Park, Empire State Building, Battery Park, Chinatown / Little Italy.
  12. Wow ... Buffalo screwed up and got something done ... you mean they actually found a parcel of land that Mark Twain didn't take a dump on or retarded birds can fly around?!? Will wonders never cease!
  13. Amen ... I'm hoping that the java will kick in by lunch time ... in the meantime, please enjoy this brief musical interlude: The silicon chip inside my head Gets switched to overload. And nobody's gonna go to work today, I wanna make them them stay at home. And my boss doesn't understand it, He always said I gotta come to work. And he can see no reasons 'Cause there are no reasons What reason do you need to be shown? Tell me why? I don't like Mondays. Tell me why? I don't like Mondays. Tell me why? I don't like Mondays. I want to shoot The whole day down.
  14. About as good as your English ...
  15. Who ... you or Gangsta Kitty?!?
  16. Steely Dan, you ignorant slut ... wow! anybody who would start a second thread related to this one deserves to win. You're still not going to, but you certainly deserve to, therefore I may feel the slighest pang of guilt when I win ... or maybe a mild bout of indigestion.
  17. P.s. ... in a related story, Generalissimo Francisco Franco is still dead!
  18. Because Joe in McGuhhhjkgjkgui was hanging out with Chad, thought he had cute dimples and got him pregnant.
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