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Everything posted by damj

  1. So ... you fit right in?!? lol ... cheap shot, I know Full disclosure here ... my sister is a fed
  2. Yeah ... without all that pesky electricy and what not ... of course it's quiet.
  3. Thanks Booster ... I'm sure that we'll see that again around here.
  4. You're calling me handsome? Thank you, that's very kind of you. The same to you.
  5. It doesn't take very long to design buildings. Sincerely, Art Vandelay
  6. Si ... Yaquiro Taco Bell, cinco de mayo.
  7. I'll pass ... thank you ... I don't really want to know anyways
  8. Yeah, I spent a month there one night. Where the is McJunkie anyways?!?
  9. You have all fought bravely, but it is time to quit. There is honor in your effort, and there is no shame in surrendering. Sincerely, France
  10. I'm not sure what's sadder ... that people think that others actually care about their EVERY move ... or that people actually do read them.
  11. Obviously ... since you started this thread that is driving everyone NUCKING FUTS!!!!
  12. Doctor, Doctor, Doctor ...
  13. You wanna rumble ... I'll get Stanislas and my boyz in the Polish mob ... I'll have 'em rough me up ... break my legs and then I'll bury myself in a shallow grave with some lime! You don't know who you're messing with ... I'll pop a cap in my ass if you keep it up!
  14. Top 3 Least Scary things: 3. Babies 2. Gun totin' feline!! 1. A cloudy day
  15. Dude ... I don't think you ever had it!
  16. Thanks for proving me correct!
  17. BTW ... I'm listening to Sirius Left and they're talking about you right now ... talking about how much they don't like you.
  18. I respect that ... earning your sham legal degree the hard way!
  19. Nice try Steely ... BUSTED! Lawyer In A Box
  20. Don't push it ... biotch! lol
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