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Everything posted by damj

  1. I falsified the address on my renewal
  2. That's a new one ... I've never been called a rat bastard before Here is my address to make it easier for you Tom.
  3. This weekend is going to be a blast, but I have to be honest. I'm glad to see Bruce and Ralph go in, but they're not exactly my favorite Bills ... but with the game and Berman, it'll be an awesome weekend.
  4. So what ... who wants to be like the Pats anyways ... all that winning would get old after a while. This is why they are consistently at the top if the league and why we continue to be mediocre. At least we still have the Sabres
  5. Well yeah ... but I don't think that Viagra is a depressant ... it's more of an "upper"
  6. Uh oh ... just a thought here ... what if DC Tom snaps and goes postal. Oh wait ... never mind, he lives in DC ... that's so back page news in those parts.
  7. Oh ... it would have ... if you would've let us mock you for a while, then you post and angry sarcastic response ... we would've been happy and it would've died ... but nooooooooo .... you blew it. The thread lives on and it is all your fault. From now it, we shall name it in your honor ... the "DC Tom" thread.
  8. Not so fast there ... that was too quick ... too easy. The joy you have from having this thread close far outweighs your revulsion from being the one that wins it ... we need a new end game. Any ideas guys?
  9. No ... a better idea ... we can taunt him here until he responds
  10. Oh, like that's a challenge ... what won't annoy him? And will he post again if he knows what we're up to?
  11. I meant jackass in a double avian mono-lithic homocide sense
  12. Takes a man to admit he needs help. I have no advice for you, but I wish you well with your recovery.
  13. Do I stutter?!? I can't let you win ... just can't
  14. Joe in buttmunchgie ... there you go again ... I was willing to let it go and let BLZFAN4LIFE have it, but noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!
  15. Not cool ... I hate when crap like that happens, makes you feel so violated. Luckily they didn't get any further though.
  16. I can't get YouTube at work, but I'm sure that this is a very flattering video, so ... thanks Booster! Go ahead BLZFAN4LIFE ... you can be the winner ... I'll let you.
  17. Only because the tailwind is faster than you ... nice try
  18. Turn around and look in front of you ...
  19. I need to double check with my brother-in-law, but we may have a pair of tix for the game and ceremony ... PM me.
  20. Generalissimo Francisco Franco is still dead!
  21. LOL ... these are new ... thanks. I like this one ... a polish guy is at the bar watching the 11:00 news with his friends. A news story comes on about a guy standing on a building threatening to commit suicide ... so everyone starts placing bets on whether he would jump. The polish guys bets $100 that the guy won't do it ... but sadly, the guy jumps and plummets to his death. The polish guy says ... "Man, I saw him do it at 6:00 ... I never thought he would do it again!"
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