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Everything posted by damj

  1. Here kitty, kitty {boot!} Rrrrraaawwww!!!!
  2. slash ... it's okay, I know that you didn't mean to post to this thread. It's okay, I'll let it go ... this time. Can't see the vid at work btw ...
  3. See what happens when a cat gets ... man, this sucker is FLYING!!!
  4. No one noticed you were gone ... sorry.
  5. Guess we don't have to worry about what happens after Rick retires.
  6. A blonde decided to go ice fishing. So, she gathered her gear and headed out. She started to cut a hole in the ice when suddenly a booming voice says: "There are no fish down there!" She turned around startled and looked and didn't see anybody. So she went further and started to cut a hole in the ice. Again the booming voice:" There are no fish down there!!" She turned around again and then said: "Is that you, God?" "No," said the booming voice. "This is the ice rink manager!!"
  7. Well there it is then ... moving right along ...
  8. Man ... talk about a chip off the old block ... Link
  9. He'll go cheap ... again ... it's his M.O., so why change now. Even Levy was a cheap hire ... he just got lucky there.
  10. Ok ... Pleeeeeeeease ... can I pleeeeeeeeease win this ... I want it .... pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease
  11. Your heart was in the right place, but given the parents lack of concern, getting the police involved would've been better. Maybe the little turd-burgler would've gotten scared straight by this minor offense before evolving into something more major ...
  12. They are ... they even pass on their daily manicure and sponge bath.
  13. True ... but you reeeeeeeeeally have to be a computer geek to go Linux.
  14. Did mead107 just say something?!?
  15. This thread is where everyone tries to be the last post .. .but since the system can only handle 1292 posts in a single thread, it looks like I am the winner. You can trust me on the 1292 number ... no need to reply ... it won't work.
  16. Then an innocent "yes" vote gets whacked ... so ... have at it. I'm the last poster in the "Should I close the Last Post Wins thread" ... I WIN!!!
  17. We'll let DC Tom run it ... {JUMP MOTHER- , JUMP!!!!}
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