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Everything posted by damj

  1. You've not only approached, but have surpassed dickless, so you STFU! Go back to the kiddie pool lard-ass ... they won't drag your whale ass out again ... I promise.
  2. What, is Mead your cousin? I guess you fermented beverages have to stick together huh?!?
  3. Why a 4-3?!? They have Teddy Bruschi ... they should play a 6-1
  4. He's under the delusion that he can jump in and win this thing ... amateur!
  5. Good ... now we can cut him! Man, what a bust!!! I knew we should have taken Orakpo ...
  6. Hey ... I gave them fair warning! Man ... am ... I ... a ... Bastard!
  7. Y'all need to get a room for your gay orgy. Ok .. you asked for it ... the dog gets it!
  8. If Steely complains about them so much, why does he get every week or two?!? Inquiring minds do NOT want to know.
  9. It's already happened! Anywho ... it's come to this. This thread needs to end. Any further posts will cause this to happen. I am totally serious ... please ... do not let this be on your conscious. Thank you all for playing.
  10. Camp Fodder Practice Squad Rookie Veteran All Pro Holding out for a new contract Hall of Famer Carpal Tunnel Retired Unretired Retired again Unretired again Too old for anyone to sign
  11. Dude ... that sucks ... maybe I should stop busting on you ... for a day anyways. Hope everything goes well for you.
  12. This F-in turd served an average of 11 days for each death he caused ... un-frickin-believable
  13. Someone should shoot down the plane on the way back to Libya ... poetic justice! Thanks Chef
  14. Word ... one is enough ... hell ... one is too many!
  15. Semper Fi ... it's all good. I respect anyone willing to wear a uniform. As for our service, we play the cards we're dealt. First Persian Excursion was easy compared to Iraq/Afghanistan, Vietnam, Korea, and compared with what those guys saw, I hesitate to call myself a vet.
  16. We could argue that ... man ... it's things like this that make me miss my M-16.
  17. We have things backwards ... we're more concerned about giving criminals their rights and forgetting the victims.
  18. You lied! Your friend is not a Bills fan. If he was, he would've beaten DJ to death with his putter and buried him in a sand trap. Please stop lying to us.
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