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Everything posted by damj

  1. Should I have chicken lo mein for lunch or tortilla crusted fish?
  2. So ... that's about as worrisome as a cloudy day?
  3. Abandon hope all ye who enter here ...
  4. Oh yeah ... you're a winner ...
  5. I think it has a unique charm to it ... lol
  6. We gave Tom a chance to end this thread, but he blew it ... hence naming it in his honor ... Steey here is your link ... stupid site doesn't let you link right to the file ... so here is Steely getting ready for the season ... Working Link
  7. Hey Steely ... good to see that you're ready for the season to start ... Link
  8. Just say no ... ... to Steely Dan winning this thing
  9. Whoa! I just spent the last two hours staring at your avatar until the screensaver went on and broke the spell. That's one powerful avatar you have.
  10. You should take a daylong break from embarrassing yourself. The Bruschi bashing isn't directed at him ... it's because of the way the announcers made him sound like the second coming of Christ after he returned from his stroke.
  11. Damn! Ok, time to find a new avatar ...
  12. LOL ... well it's because Teddy must be moving on other things like solving health care, global warming & middle east peace. We all know that he could fly backwards around the earth and turn back time to make himself younger if he chooses ... actually, he could lay hands on himself and make himself younger ...
  13. Welcome back. It's good to ... it's ... well, welcome back.
  14. That could get interesting ... LOL
  15. And I care because ... ... oh wait, I don't.
  16. What?!? Obviously, this post proves why noobs should NOT be allowed to start threads. Can we give an IQ test before people are allowed to post?
  17. Well if I know my use of my avatar annoys someone ... then I just gotta keep it! Otherwise, what's the use of having it?
  18. p.s. Lack of denial over dick-less duly noted. The avatar stays!
  19. You're pissed. I'm laughing. I win!
  20. Beerball can give to 2-3 inches ... it might take him a couple times though
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