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Everything posted by damj

  1. Got mine, floor row 3 .... SWEET!!!!
  2. I could even hear his voice while I was reading this.
  3. Yeah ... he needs therapy. I just heard about a new therapy where we all line up in front of him and take turns kicking him in the nuts. Guaranteed to make us feel better.
  4. No, that would be DC Tom and he would like it too much for this thread to end
  5. I'm thinking of changing my display name. Since I can only do it once every 180 days, I want to really think it through. I know I can count on you fine folks for sincere and helpful suggestions. ... or I had a healthy sadist streak ... ... anywho ... any suggestions?!?
  6. Good point ... string him up by his mangina!!!!
  7. That sumbitch! {damj grabs his torch and pitchfork} ... let's go get him boys ... string 'im by his !!!!
  8. Yup ... 8 team league ... my QBs are Rodgers and Romo ... WRs include Boldin & Housh
  9. I like LT and Lynch .. not sold on Addai ... But then again ... I'm the same guy who drafted LT, Westbrook, Reggie Bush and L.J. ... so how smart am I?!? LOL
  10. No. You're wrong. I forgive you ... this time.
  11. Overall ... solid ... depth is a concern. Not crazy about your RBs ... Addai shuld be in a time share with Brown. Don't know how Maroney & Graham will see the ball. White should get some TDs, but few yards. Depth at WR is weak ... Branch is #3 at best and might get cut. Chambers is #2 at best and often gets overlooked in the passing game. NO has too many weapons to count on Henderson consistenly.
  12. No apologies ... you're right, there's nothing funny about it.
  13. The "out of the box" stuff is quote good ... I just like to tinker with stuff which is why I start modifying code.
  14. Some hosts have a program called Fantastico that automatically installs all kinds of php based prgrams, including wikis, drupal, forums, etc ... it's a different world, but it's pretty easy once you get used to it. I like php because it's open source and is pretty easy to modify once you understand it.
  15. Quick ... stuff his ass back in there ...
  16. ummm .... how about eat a lot, drink a lot, get a lot of sun and have a lot of sex?!?
  17. I haven't set one up, but it's just a php based app isn't it? They're pretty easy to get the hang of it ... try installing it and play with it.
  18. Go to Jackass Flats ... you can see Mayor Steely Dan
  19. Hell hell ... the gangs all here.
  20. Mrs. Wooderson out of it. DAMN! I'm so weak!!!!
  21. Must ... resist ... urge ... to ... say ... leave ...
  22. *yawn* Wake me when this is over ...
  23. Sounds like Hollyweird where we played $2 to get my son's picture taken with a combat boots wearing SpongeBob and my daughter's picture taken with a tatoo'd, nose-ring wearing Snow White ...
  24. Wonder Woman and Cat Woman were working the corner at 41st and Broadway, but took off in Wonder Woman's invisible jet before the cops could arrest them.
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