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Everything posted by damj

  1. DC Tom must be gay ... I was too busy staring at dib's avatar to reply ...
  2. Oh yeah ... believe me ... you're a winner all right ...
  3. You're as scary as a really riled up kitten ...
  4. Awww ... I'm rather fond of the new one ... I especially like the way his face jiggles as the saw cuts
  5. Target list for when I lose it and go postal ... 1.) Steely Dan's cats 2.) Steely Dan 3.) Nervous Guy 4.) Steely Dan again (just to be sure)
  6. I just want to wish you luck, we're all counting on you.
  7. I can just feel the luuuuuuuuuuuuuuuv! Thanks for the greetings (even you Steely). Took the day off and took the kids to school (they had a half day) ... had a couple hours to myself and enjoyed doing stuff sans the kids. Picked them up and took them out for the day ... then came home and opened /played with presents (Guitar Hero 5 was one of them ... hey Chef Jim ... LOL). All in all, it was a kickass b-day. Now what in the hell is this about Langston Walker?!?
  8. Idiot! It's groundhog day ... duh!
  9. I just want to wish you luck, we're all counting on you.
  10. Ok ... for you ... it's a sledgehammer
  11. Welcome. You might want to whack your forehead repeatedly with a ball pein hammer instead of trying to win this thing ... you'll have a better chance of success. and oh, /dev/null is the anti-christ.
  12. {Bring} {Bring} "Hi, you have reached the voicemail of Kettle, please leave a message" {BEEP} "Hi, this is Pot calling, you're black."
  13. I just want to wish you luck, we're all counting on you.
  14. Yeah ... me too ... I'm out, have a great trip.
  15. I hope they got millions in return ... that's what he's worth.
  16. You know, I'm getting mixed signals here ... if you don't want our advice, you should just say so.
  17. Me too ... DJ's decision making has been so strong these last 3 years ...
  18. I suggest that you don't insult us if you want our advice ...
  19. I think you should post something about your upcoming trip to Boston ... I'm sure that lots of guys will have good advice for you.
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