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Everything posted by damj

  1. You da man!!! For me, it was 1990/91 ... first gulf war ... I was 22 and had been taking college semi-serious for 3 years ... I decided then it was time to grow up, finish school and get on with my life.
  2. Oops! I forgot ... now can I have your brain ... it's so fresh and unused!!!!
  3. The only thing you won was a padded room at the nut house!
  4. I just want to wish you luck, we're all counting on you.
  5. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand don't you forget it!!!
  6. Oh ... you're in the south ... yeah, that's Bud country ...
  7. Bud tastes the same going in as it does coming out ... so I've heard
  8. Oh ... ... we have to pay whoever we sign ... oh ... never mind.
  9. I think that the Bills will sign Toulouse Lautrec instead ... Buffalo News says he's also suppossed to come in and is probably more in the Bills price range ... Link
  10. Wow Guff ... great post. Thanks for sharing with us.
  11. Or living close the Power Project and hearing planes taking off from the Niagara air base ...
  12. Thanks for your reply Woody. You're such a smart guy, so I'm not going to insult your intelligence. Obviously we all know that you will not win. Thanks again ... and have a great day!
  13. I was a Queensryche fan in high school, but hadn't followed them for a while, but I saw an article in the VFW magazine talking about their new album, American Soldier so I picked it up ... it's a concept album about soldiers inspired by Geoff Tate's dad who was a vet. I love this new album. Saw them this summer and they played a few songs off of the album accompanied by alot of video ... brought back alot of memories.
  14. Yeah, have the courtesy to serve your guests good beer.
  15. I was at work, had just started a new job the week before. I saw something online about the first plane and thought it was a small commuter plane that accidently hit, so I called my wife and told her. A little while later 3 secretaries were gathered looking at a computer and I heard one say "A second plane hit", and that's when I knew we were under attack. When I heard the Pentagon got hit I was really scared because my sister works less than a mile from there ... she called home soon after to let us know it was okay. Went to a conference room just after the first tower fell and nobody was saying a word ... we were all just in shock.
  16. Yeah ... ok ... you said something, but I wasn't really interested. So, I'm here to put an end to this finally. Thanks for playing everybody.
  17. WHY would you opt for Butt Light over ShockTop?!? Yeah, you're sh#t-faced!
  18. Let's see ... we blew up the o-line and are starting 3 rookies ... Trent looks to be regressing ... tissue paper thin at RB, an OC who is 5 days into the job and has never called plays in the NFL, an awful head coach who is a scared, conservative, play not to lose and loses anyway coach, an average D, unless Maybin and a healthy Schobel can generate a pass rush ... a tougher schedule and a tougher division ... I'm not quite as pessimistic ... I predict 5 wins.
  19. he's good ... of course I knew enough not to click the link, but slash is still good
  20. Sure, if you're that desperate, we'll help you ... Mwah ha ha
  21. Yeah, that poor hunk of granite didn't stand a chance ... pulverized!
  22. We tried that with Steely Dan ... didn't help
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