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Everything posted by damj

  1. All right ... all right ... congratulations ... you won!!!
  2. Don't click on your home link. Try resetting your home page
  3. Yeah, but he re-installed his OS, so alot of the files wold be at least partially overwritten.
  4. Ouch! Lesson learned the hard way ... especially w/how cheap drives are now.
  5. Slam big time ... I think Honda was mentioned, but it focused on GM.
  6. Hydrogen (liquid and gas) is more commonly reformed from off-gases of waste streams of chemical processes. I didn't work much hydrogen reformers, so I'm not as up to speed there. Oxygen is separated from the air and is very energy intensive (electric) to compress the air for separation in the cryogenic distillation column. I know there are other separation technologies, but they are smaller scale. Yes ... it's Who Killed the Electric Car ... good movie ... it's NOT Michael Moore like because it presents facts and let's the viewer draw their own conclusion. Michael Moore is all spin and propaganda and he distorts and twists the facts to support his spin.
  7. I've designed air separation plants ... trust me ... he's an idiot or lying ... or both. Also, from a pratical point ... if anyone developed any technology worth billions ... would they give it away ... FOR FREE?!?! No. Next.
  8. So the lesson to be learned folks is ... if dib invites you for dinner ... read the invitation V-E-R-Y carefully ... is having you for dinner ... or having you OVER for dinner.
  9. I feel your pain Steely ... been there, done that. I haven't gone full blown back-up like Fez described, but I'm set-up for quick rebuildability. I'm rough on computers and need to re-build every 9-12 months just because I've installed and un-installed so many things. I have 3 hard drives in my machine (1.3TB total) ... one for my OS and 2 for data and storage. That doesn't even include the 4 USB flash drives I have and one powered USB drive ... My OS drive has a small partition which contains my most recent ghost image. All data/downloads gets stored on one of the other drives. If I fry the OS or want to re-build, I just reflash the ghost image and am back up in 5-10 minutes. I'll have to re-install anything that I installed since the ghost image was made, but odds are I don't really need that software anyways and I just re-install it when I need it. Bottom line, I trust nothing (including DVDs) and keep 2 copies of everything.
  10. Humans are also stupid. Just trying to help ... just remember that when you guys take over.
  11. And you think things will get better after you're married because ... Wish ya luck man ...
  12. Lana For all the same reasons you gave ... DC Tom We gave him a chance to end it ... plus it would make him too happy Steely I hate cats! Mead / Not sure ... He started this hell ... I was content to let it die with one of his dumb unix posts ...
  13. I realize that this is an unwinable situation ... it's a kob... {whew! stopped myself before I made a star trek reference} eventually a moderator will decide it's enough and close it ... most likely with whoever amuses them the most to win, and I know it ain't gonna be me. I just have a list of people, including Steely, Joe, Beerball that I intend to keep from winning.
  14. aaaaaaaaaaand just what is it I'm accused of stealing?!?
  15. The quote in your reply in THIS thread was about Meredith ... Jackass! Booster got it!
  16. Hard telling from the picture. As usual Steely ... we have no idea what the hell you're alking about!
  17. ... take her back? Sure ... she seems to be going above and beyond to prove how sorry she is.
  18. Olga, this is Dmitri again. I finally figured out what happened. After some careful thought, there are only 2 explanations why you haven't returned my phone call, you are either deceased or in a coma. There are no other explantions why you would not jump at the opportunity to land such a catch as me. Now you cannot be deceased since you would've mentioned me in your will, so obviously you are in a coma. So here is the deal. When you wake up from your coma, you will have 30 minutes to get to my house. I know that you'll be well rested, so you'll be able to run pretty fast. Not knowing what time you'll wake up, I'll allow you an extra 7 minutes for rush hour traffic. After 37 minutes I will lock my door and this opportunity will be lost forever. I've faxed you detailed instructions on how you will pleasure me. Make sure you follow the instructions to the letter and don't rush steps 4 through 9. Make sure that you buy a 5/8" rubber house, not 3/4". The olive oil has to be extra virgin and I'll lay out the clown costume that you are to wear. Make sure that you call the midgets on your way over so that they have time to get here. I'm am looking forward to giving you a truly magical experience. Dmitri
  19. They can't move Hardy to the roster until after week 6 and they still need space for Lynch next week.
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