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Everything posted by damj

  1. Hopefully this brain child will get arrested for attempted arson.
  2. I agree ... it's sad that it's come down to wanting the team to lose, but as long as we keep going 7-9, they'll stick with this loser. He might be a hell of a nice guy, but he sucks as a head coach and he needs to go. Is the only problem with this team, not by a long shot, but change needs to start somewhere. For the sake of improving this team down the road, we need to lose now. I'm hoping that Cleveland blows us out if it's one more nail in Jauron's coffin.
  3. Watched to the end ... I was just looking for something ... anything positive to take away from this game. I got nothing.
  4. The problem is that in today's NFL ... Buffalo can barely survive, so if attendence drops off and Ralph dies, the new owner is moving the team. It's a catch-22
  5. Still at 3% ... 80 people out of 2,660 approve ... let me guess, those 80 votes came from OBD?!?
  6. Jauron's approval rating a comical 4 percent October 5, 2009 1:29 PM Posted by ESPN.com's Tim Graham This might be some sort of record. In early balloting Monday afternoon, Buffalo Bills coach Dick Jauron is pulling down a 4 percent in the latest SportsNation head coach approval ratings. Jauron That's dead last in the NFL and the worst number in the two years SportsNation has conducted the polls. Four percent. Genghis Khan wasn't that despised. Idi Amin was embraced more by his people. Spencer Pratt is adored by comparison. Four percent. Jauron's rating is 20 points lower than when Richard Nixon left office. Bills fans loathed the guy last year, but his lowest rating for 2008 was 8 percent. So he was twice as popular then. Vote on Dick Jauron's performance ...
  7. Certainly possible ... I think that the reality is that Ralph is just so out of touch that he honestly believes that the way he's running the team can work.
  8. Probably not ... with my daughter having sunday swim meets and my son playing hockey ... is it worth jugging my life around to go and watch this? Not any more ... and that's what TiVO is for. Well said ... a Bills fan is no longer what I am .. it's what I do. Yes, it seems like the fans have more commitment to this team than the owner. It's a catch-22 ... we're buying tickets and Ralph's making money, so he's happy. If we don't, then he won't move the team, but the next owner probably would ... life's too short for this soap opera.
  9. I'm not going to run off at the mouth foaming saying "I'm done with being a fan" ... it's worse ... I just don't care any more. Yes, I will still watch the games because they're western New York's team and it's what we do and we've we had great memories in the past. Yes, I'll still go to the games because I bought my tickets. Yes, I'll still listen to the radio because I'm still searching for hope. Yes, I'll still read about the team in the Buffalo News because I'm looking for a silver lining in the storm clouds that surround this team. Yes, I'll still post on this board because I like making DC Tom's life miserable. But bottom line is that I don't care any more. Why? A head coach who after proving he isn't good enough with 3 consecutive 7-9 seasons, gets rewarded with a contract extension. Assistant coaches who consistenly fail to develop and improve players. A general manager who is not a football guy and makes decisions based on generating PR and cutting costs. A pro personnel director who consistenly fails to bring in free agents to improve this team. A QB who whether through his own inclination or by coaching, is afraid to throw the ball more than 5 yards. Keeping several players who only play special teams and do not contribute on offense or defense. Going into the season with no depth at many positions. Poor game management and decision making costing wins. No passion from the coach down through the players. Recognizing that some players are inadequate, and making no effort to improve there. Too many players on this team who would fail to make the rosters on most other teams in the league. Being sold "hope" year in and year out, without substantial changes being made. Consistently hiring on the cheap with one failed coach after another. Watching other teams every year rebuild and compete and we fail to improve. More passion from former players than some of the current ones. Hoping to see them lose because I think that it's the only way to make changes that will get us better. An owner who allows all this to happen. Call it "Band Wagon Jumping" if you want, but I am still a Bills fan, and I am still going to watch ... but don't expect me to care anymore. This team just sucks the life out of you. I don't care about winning and losing as much as I do being entertained, and it's not even fun to watch any more. I've been a life long fan, and I still am ... but just don't expect me to care any more. Yes it'll be nice if they win a game, or 2 ... or more ... but until things change, it'll just be a false hope to set you up for more disappointment as it has been year after year ... after year.
  10. Good luck ... right after I posted ... power failure in Amherst
  11. No way ... he'll never get another HC job and he must be smart enough to know that ... he'll ride this pony as long as he can.
  12. Yes and No ... obviously the o-line is young, inexperienced and has injuries ... yes, the line isn't getting it done ... BUT ... against NE and TB when TE had time to throw, except for the long TDs to TO and Lee, it's all dump-offs ... Greg-o knew that last week and the fins knew that yesterday and just camped out on those routes ... it's so much easier to play D when you don't have to worry about the middle of the field and anything deeper than 15 yards along the sides. Maybe some year the light will go on with this guy ... it takes some QBs a few years to get it, but I'm done waiting ... time to move on.
  13. Sadly, this team is a reflective of it's head coach ... gutless.
  14. I just want to give a warning to all TSW posters ... there is a virus out there that will shred your computer if you are post #2429 in a forum. I just want to warn you all. Please do not reply to this post again, because that will put you at 2429 and you are in grave risk of wiping out your computer. No need to thank me ...
  15. Oh course I'm watching ... I'll be at the game too ... I hate what this team is, but I'm still a fan of the Bills and hope that someday it will improve ...someday
  16. I bought the whole ... he doesn't have receivers ... he's young ... yada yada yada ... Flacco, Ryan, Sanchez are young ... they can do it ... TE never will ...
  17. Remember the good old days when the Bills used to have come from behind victories? ahhh memories...
  18. He played well against Miami and TB (but TB is awful) ... but he's in freefall now and there's no telling how much further he has til he bottoms out.
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