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Everything posted by damj

  1. Oooooo ... as scary as a cloudy day or a really riled up kitten. Fear not good sir ... the (dis)honor of THE dumbest question ever asked here will eternally be yours. gay! flaming gay!
  2. I can't access this at work, so I'll see it tonight. Am I going to be angry?
  3. An if the Bills had a real HC, OC, QB, LBs and offensive line, they would be a real football team.
  4. I hope you've always aspired to "Runner Up".
  5. Congrats Shamrock ... nothing beats a Daddy's Little Girl. Now excuse me, I have to report you for child abuse ... LOL.
  6. Vera! Vera! What has become of you? Does anybody else here Feel the way I do? Come on now ... let's not get silly ... I would never, EVER worry about Skooby ... Close ... but no cigar ... speaking of which ... Come in here, dear boy, have a cigar. You're gonna go far, fly high, You're never gonna die, You're gonna make it if you try; They're gonna love you. Well I've always had a deep respect, And I mean that most sincerely. The band is just fantastic, that is really what I think. Oh by the way, which one's Pink? And did we tell you the name of the game, boy, We call it Riding the Gravy Train.
  7. And you can just shut your big fat YAPPER!!!!!
  8. My wife drank one on my Molson XXX's once without knowing it ... she was all loopy ... what a lightweight!!!
  9. Ok ... I'm starting to get worried ... When is Russ going to announce DJ's firing. Our new coach isn't going to have much time to get ready for TEN game ...
  10. I've been loopy on pain killers the last few days. I know what you're going to say Steely ... so SHUT THE UP!!!
  11. Did you brains have any cells that lived?
  12. Sometimes I try to do things And it just doesn't work out the way I want it to. It's like, I try hard to do it And I get real frustrated. And I take my time But it just doesn't work out the way I want it to. It's like I concentrate on it real hard, But it just doesn't work out. And everything I do and everything I try, It never turns out! It's like, I need time to figure these things out. There's always someone there going, "Hey damj, you know, We've been noticing you've been having a lot of problems lately, you Know. You should maybe get away, You'd feel a lot better." And like, maybe you should talk about it, Just leave me alone, I'll figure it out you know. I go, "No, it's okay you know, I'll figure it out. And they go, "Well, you know, if you wanna talk about it, I'm just working on myself." I'll be here ya know, And you'll probably feel a lot better if ya talked about it, So why don'tcha talk about it?!" I go, "No! I don't want to I'm okay! I'll figure it out myself!" But they just keep buggin' me, They just keep buggin' me And it builds up inside! So you're gonna be institutionalized You won't have any say You'll come out brainwashed with bloodshot eyes They'll brainwash you until you see their way I'm not crazy - Institution You're the one who's crazy - Institution You're driving me crazy - Institution They stuck me in an institution Said it was the only solution To protect me from the enemy, myself To give me the needed professional help Uh - I was in my room But then again I was thinking about nothing. And I was just like staring at the wall thinking 'bout everything And then my Mom came in, And I didn't even know she was there. She called my name But I didn't hear her. Then she started screaming, "damj, damj!" And I go, "What? What's the matter?" She goes, "What's the matter with you?!" I go, "There's nothin' wrong Mom." She goes, "Don't tell me that, you're on drugs!" I go, "No Mom, I'm not on drugs. Why don't ya give me a Pepsi?" I'm okay, I'm just thinking, you know. I go, "Mom, I'm okay, I'm just thinking." She goes, "No, you're on drugs!" Normal people don't act in that way!" She goes, "No, you're not thinking, you're on drugs! All I want is a Pepsi." I go, "Mom, just give me a Pepsi please, Just one Pepsi! And she wouldn't give it to me! And she wouldn't give it to me! All I wanted was a Pepsi! Just a Pepsi! They give you a white shirt with long sleeves Tied around your back, you're treated like thieves Drug you up because they're lazy It's too much work to help a crazy I'm not crazy - Institution You're the one who's crazy - Institution You're driving me crazy - Institution They stuck me in an institution To give me the needed professional help Said it was the only solution To protect me from the enemy, myself I was sitting in my room. My Mom and my Dad came in. So they pull up a chair and they sat down. They go, "damj, we need to talk to you." And I go, "Okay, what's the matter?" They go, "Me and your Mom, We've been noticing lately you've been having a lot of problems, And you've been going off for no reason. And we're afraid you're gonna hurt somebody, We're afraid you're gonna hurt yourself. So we decided that it would be in your best interest If we put you somewhere Where you could get the help that you need." And I go, "Wait! What are ya talking about?! We decided?! My best interest?! How can you say what my best interest is! And what are ya trying ta say, I'm crazy?! How do you know what my best interest is! When I went to your schools! I went to your churches! I went to your institutional learning facilities! So how can ya say I'm crazy?! They say they're gonna fix my brain But by the time they fix my head Alleviate my suffering and my pain Mentally, I'll be dead Chorus (two verses): I'm not crazy - Institution You're the one who's crazy - Institution You're driving me crazy - Institution They stuck me in an institution Said it was the only solution To give me the needed professional help To protect me from the enemy, myself ...Doesn't matter I'll probably get hit by a car anyway
  13. This is The End, beautiful friend This is The End, my only friend, The End Of our elaborate plans, The End Of everything that stands, The End No safety or surprise, The End I'll never look into your eyes again Can you picture what we'll be? So limitless and free Desperately in need of some stranger's hand In a desperate land Lost in a Roman wilderness of pain And all the children are insane All the children are insane Waiting for the summer rain, yeah There's danger on the edge of town Ride the king's highway, baby Weird scenes inside the gold mine Ride the highway west, baby Ride the snake, ride the snake To the lake, the ancient lake, baby The snake, he's long, seven miles Ride the snake, he's old, and his skin is cold The west is the best The west is the best Get here, and we'll do the rest The blue bus is callin' us The blue bus is callin' us Driver, where you taken' us? The killer awoke before dawn, he put his boots on He took a face from the ancient gallery And he walked on down the hall He went into the room where his sister lived, and, then he Paid a visit to his brother, and then he He walked on down the hall, and And he came to a door, and he looked inside Father, yes son, I want to kill you Mother, I want to, !@#$ you C'mon baby, take a chance with us C'mon baby, take a chance with us C'mon baby, take a chance with us And meet me at the back of the blue bus Doin' a blue rock On a blue bus Doin' a blue rock C'mon, yeah Kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill This is The End Beautiful friend This is The End My only friend, The End It hurts to set you free But you'll never follow me The end of laughter and soft lies The end of nights we tried to die This is The End
  14. I just want to wish you luck, we're all counting on you.
  15. Wow man ... you're right ... those guys are real losers!!!
  16. They are sad, strange little men ... and they have my pity.
  17. Yeah, but some folks around here aren't too bright!
  18. So it's agreed then ... that this thread has run it's course and should now end ... finally!
  19. I didn't know about the Savatage link until they played Hall of the Mountain King ... the Christmas set is okay, but I loved the 2nd set where they play all the classical music.
  20. Will do ... my son asked to go last year a week before the show, so we sat 2nd row from the top in the 300s ... this year I pre-ordered and got 3rd row seats ... we are stoked!
  21. (Emoticons ... for when you just don't care enough to think of something real to say)
  22. Thanks for putting me in the rather awkward position of defending Steely ... but ALL posts in this thread are completely devoid of content.
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