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Everything posted by damj

  1. We don't have a snowball's chance in hell of him coming here ... but I like that we're at least trying.
  2. OMG ... Odyssey ... LOL ... we had that too. Yeah I was into Atari 2600 ... started playing PC games in college with the first Duke Nuke Em and would play that for hours. About 10 years ago started playing Counter Strike online and would get embarrased by 12 year olds ... we played Unreal Tournament for a few years at work on our lunch hour until IT clamped down ... but we were all pretty much at the same level. Once in a while I play unreal online, but usually the team oriented games to hide how much I suck.
  3. Yes ... but since this DC Tom we're talking about, are you REALLY surprised?
  4. Tape it up and get back out there you wus! Seriously ... OMG ... that was nasty ... I hope he's okay.
  5. Sad day ... yes, but one day we'll see the Chroisen one proudly wear the Yellow jacket in Canton and we will be proud.
  6. - Skooby - A VooDoo Woman named Phyllis
  7. Sweet ... we're thinking about it ... that or Aruba
  8. Yes, gringo only knows a few words, but he uses them well. You'll never win ... NEVA! We could only be so lucky ... but consider this if ... If DJ could survive for the last year, I say this thread will last alot longer ... we Bills fans can absorb ALOT of pain!!!
  9. I don't think Hiltler will be pleased ... No sir, Der Fuhrer will NOT be happy!
  10. Ok ... I did that ... now what ... ... oh I get it. {Splat}! Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. Thanks, me too. So damj is the leader in the clubhouse at 2.
  12. Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not the Chroisen one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. I like how the changed the wording of the poll question ... "Did you approve the job Dick Jauron was doing ..." Actually, I now vote yes ... he finally screwed up enough to get fired
  14. At work ... my buddy came over and told me, then 3 on us listened to coverage on the Radio ... what a great day!!!
  15. Keeping Jauron was a stupid and pointless move. Just because they didn't announce their plan at the same time that they announced Jauron was fired, DOESN'T MEAN THEY DON'T HAVE ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!! Actually ... most teams that fire their HC mid-season ride out the season then look for a coach ... I like the fact that they're looking NOW ... there are some good, experenced coaches out there and FINALLY ... we're going for one and not the usual coordinator route. CHILL folks ... it's been 2 days.
  16. What's next for Dick Jauron? Where does he go from here? Word has it that he applied for a job at Madame Tussauds as a wax statue, but was over qualified.
  17. I heard that Hilter was also pretty upset about the T.O. signing
  18. Did he say how surprised he was and that it was mistake because he thinks that DJ is a really good coach ... like he usually does
  19. Poor Trent ... he has to find a new a$$ to suck up to.
  20. WE ALL WIN TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  21. YESSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YESSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YESSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YESSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YESSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YESSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YESSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  22. Hmm ... am I the only one to notice that DC Tom has now joined us and is posting other than "Die Thread Die" messages. Somethings up ... be afraid ... be very ... very .... afraid.
  23. There once was a man from Nantucket ...
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