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Everything posted by damj

  1. I shot a 50 cal machine gun in the Corps .... that was sweeeeeeeeet!
  2. No Bills gear, but I did get a sword ... I can use it to dig my eyeballs out to spare myself the agony of watching the game.
  3. I was in prison ... I killt me a man cause he asked me 3 dumb questions. Is there anything else you want to know?
  4. I'm back ... show of hands who missed me. BTW Steely ... raising one finger doesn't count
  5. Clever that you have an imagination?!?
  6. Like it's even necessary ... I guess they were wrong ... there are dumb questions after all ...
  7. Yeah, but you're nucking futs too, so obviously your opinion is biased. Now that DC Tom has joined us on the dark side, you're the new whipping boy ... LOL
  8. Sorry ... Beerball had the wrong link ... this is what he meant ... Link
  9. Friends don't let friends do this either ... Link
  10. Awesome therapist ... 2 questions? 1. Will he take my wife? 2. If I pay him extra, will he keep her?
  11. Thanks a$$ ... now I can't get that damn song out of my head.
  12. You just couldn't let it go could you ...
  13. +1 I feel better when I drink more water instead of diet pop, I need the caffeine and I'm not a big coffee fan.
  14. Quick! Someone slam the lid shut!
  15. My work here is done. Thank you, thank you very much.
  16. Well, you know what they say ... There are 10 kinds of people. Those that understand binary, and those that don't.
  17. I'm pretty disappointed in Mars Candy ... I really paid attention to my last bag of M&Ms, and 75% of them were mislabeled as 3's, E's or W's ... WTF is up with that?!?
  18. I thought Norton was awful ... I got tired of getting prompted every 3 seconds for something or the other. I went with Symantec for a while, but Microsoft Essentials seems to be quicker and less resource heavy and has spyware built into it.
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