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Everything posted by damj

  1. Reed didn't make it, but did make the cut to 10 ... Carter did not, so that's encouraging in future years. Reed not in HOF
  2. Please give our regards to your son Mrs. Thigpen.
  3. Take a page from Tampa's book ... acquire as many QBs as humanly possible to try and find one that can play.
  4. Most of my favs were already mentioned, but I want to add Gary Moore.
  5. I think you should go to Washington State, buy some crack, rob a gas station, then you and Ryan can live happily ever after together ... for the next 5 to 7 years.
  6. Well, we couldn't find a use for that B.O. of his since skunks have cornered that market, so I guess we did find a use for him after all, so we can scratch his name from the useless list. Mead107, you can take his place ... LOL
  7. Well guys ... you heard the man ... forget about quality posts ... we need quantity!!!
  8. {damj chucks a lemon at the back at Steely's head} {Steely turns around, dazed and confused} damj: Oh, sir. I saw it! Some angry member of the kitchen staff, Did you not tip them? Oh, the terrorists! They run that way. It was a run-by fruiting. I'll get them sir. Don't worry. {Steely turns around, dazed and confused} damj (under breath): Good waste of juice.
  9. Thanks Steely ... in other words ... nada, zip, zilch, zero ...
  10. I'm back ... what did I miss?!?
  11. I'll give my Nikon D60 a real good talking to about that ... maybe some sensitivity training.
  12. I just want to tell you all good luck. We're all counting on you.
  13. Don't insult squids. We all know the the Navy is a lower form of Marine life, but even they rate above Shefter!
  14. Any truth to the rumor that Joe Logan was seen walking Bill Cowher's dog?
  15. After having been away from this thread for a while, I can say with absolute clarity and certainty ... DIE THREAD, DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. Well ... they did name an airport after him ... Logan Airport
  17. Sorry Skooby is already banging this drum over at the OBD forums ... therefore it's officially bunk.
  18. You should not even have a Gabe Northern jersey ... no one should.
  19. We just got a Traverse at Thanksgiving and so far we're happy with it.
  20. I was at the 3 p.m. show ... 3rd row. It was AWESOME!!!
  21. Congrats to the TSW Bragging Rights League Championship ... me!
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