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Everything posted by damj

  1. That's one tough kitty, but you know what they say ... cats don't always land on their feet ... you just have to throw them hard enough ... so keep trying.
  2. I don't know you ... I don't know jack
  3. Yeah ... hijacker virus ... really annoying.
  4. flishing? Are the tub and shower in the same bathroom? What floor are they on? If you're getting low water pressure at multiple points, it's not scale building-up in the shower head. Are you getting low pressure all fixtures? Did it just start happening, or has it gradually gotten worse? Is it the same all the time or does it vary based on time of day? Could be anything ... check the valves at the water meter and hot water tank and make sure that they are fully open. Could be a water main break or leak ... check with the municipal water department. We recently had intermittent low pressure from a leaking main in our neighborhood ... they didn't find until until the main gave way. Look for sources of galvanic corrosion (ie; going from steel to copper pipe without using a dielectric connector).
  5. Well, it's like they say ... to know you is to want to hack you into thousands of tiny, unrecognizeable pieces.
  6. I hope the irony of it isn't lost on you ...
  7. Want someone to arrange that for you?!? Nothing personal, but this thread needs to end one way or another
  8. Congrats on the 20 lbs Chef ... I dropped 45 this winter, and am in the same boat, though I did have a double Five Guys with bacon last weekend and no permanant damage
  9. +1 I've eaten at the original Five Guys ... they have barrels of peanuts to snack on while you wait for your order.
  10. Thanks ... sounds like a good book, may have to check it out. I get offended that alot people don't know what memorial day is for. Some think it's a day to remember family members (non-vet) who died. Nice thought, and I'm all for memorializing loved ones ... but that's not what memorial day is for. As a vet, it's nice thought when people want to thank me, but I have my days (10 Nov. & 11/11), so save it 'til then. This day is to remember those who did not come home. Period.
  11. Memorial Day is here ... weather will be great, time for family, grilling and cold beer, so enjoy! ... but also take a moment to remember those who died to secure and maintain these freedoms we hold so dear. Link More quotes
  12. Now you're just being silly ... but I'll be down with Brohm/Brown experiment when we get eliminated from the play-offs
  13. We're not a play-off team ... we're rebuilding ... let's find out what we have with our young receivers ... time to move on.
  14. *bump* This thread was the 5th one down the list ... figured it needed a bump
  15. I just want to tell you all luck, we're all counting on you
  16. I'm definitely rooting for this kid to make it ... class act all the way.
  17. *Sigh* ... I miss those days ... at least us older fans have those days ... what do people who became fans in the last decade have?!?
  18. That or someone took his mind out, ran it through the blender and poured it back in.
  19. Don't ask Don't tell ... that's over here Link (p.s. it's safe to look at)
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