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Everything posted by damj

  1. Or a swift boot to the yambag!
  2. Are we even sure that Beerball is the father?!?
  3. Only TWO things travel through Texas ... Steers and queers, and I don't see no horns on you boy!
  4. What, like sex and a fully functioning brain?
  5. In a holding pattern, cancelled my appointment ... now I gotta find another doctor.
  6. What can I say ... misery loves company
  7. I didn't say that you WOULD win this thing ... just that you really WANT to ... Sheesh ... reading and COMPREHENDING ... a dying art ...
  8. I agree ... we're missing a couple of pieces ... and offense and a defense ... LOL Welcome aboard ... Talking smack is all good and fun ... we draw the line at stupidity (ie; ieatcrayonz, skooby) and bash the snot out them ... feel free to join us ... P.S. .. Since you're new here ... you need to check this out, I think that you'll be the winner for sure Link
  9. I've been away too long (actually in this thread, not long enough) ... I don't know Jack
  10. You know if I didn't know better, I would think that you really do want to win this thing ...
  11. Not I, in fact I didn't watch it ... but then again it was 2 a.m. where I was and Armed Forces radio goofed and missed the 1st quarter so I went back to bed ... so I was spared the pain of that one.
  12. Time for this to end ... NOW!
  13. Right ... I have a network with PCs, but have gotten a mac to access my shared files
  14. Yes, add a wireless network adapter to the pc
  15. Yeah, he was thge youngest of the 3 ... I'm all for age and experience ... to a point ... 50s sure ... pushing 70 ... getting nervous there ... no clue how old the other 2 were.
  16. Not to be all age discriminatory and what not ... buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut, being 41 and content with having 2 kids and not looking for a 3rd, it was time for the old snip. Told my doctor that I wanted a younger doctor, so of the 3 nearest, she recommended one. Had never seen the guy, and as I was googling his office, I found out that he is 68. Sorry, 68 and wielding sharp instruments will get you NOWHERE near my junk. So if he was the youngest of the two ... who the h-e-l-l were the other 2 ... Yoda and sons?!?
  17. I don't blame the guy one bit ... he's spent his whole career on an average to below average team and has never been to the play-offs ... He doesn't have much time left, so why learn a new position on a team that is re-building ... if he wants a trade, give it to him.
  18. I'm selling some beachfront property in Florida ... primo location ... just minutes from Disney
  19. Couple grand is a good guesstimate. I had gutters, downspouts, soffits, trim and fascia done last year and it was about $3200
  20. Yeah, but I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together. Goo goo g' joob
  21. Getting a degree and actually getting an education don't necessarily coincide if your an athlete ... just ask Dexter Manley ... sheesh!
  22. Yeah, I saw him rolling with a blunt and a 9 ...
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