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Everything posted by damj

  1. Yeah, I was at work in Amherst in a single story building and I felt it. Some people in my office felt it, and some did not. My wife was on the second floor of her school in Niagara Falls and no one felt it. My wife and my father-in=law noticed this morning that the birds were going nuts. Amazing how we could feel it so far away.
  2. You and your heterosexually challenged avatar deserve to lose
  3. ... I just hope Neil doesn't explode.
  5. With 1.5 TB in my desktop and 1.5 TB of external storage I have lots of room
  6. You had me at "You can't expect to win ..."
  7. I, I don't care if they, if they lay me off either, because I, I told Bill that if he moves my desk one more time, then, then I'm quitting. I'm going to quit. And I told Dom too because they've moved my desk four times. I used to be by the window, where I could see the squirrels and they were merry. But then they switched from the Swingline to the Boston stapler, but I kept my Swingline. They have my staples for the Boston and I kept the staples from the Swingline stapler.
  8. You know him too?!? Stan's a nice guy isn't he ... and his wife Stella.
  9. Hell no ... I'm proud to say that I'm one of a handful of people in the world never to hear Susan Boyle sing either ...
  10. Damn it Jack! I have to give it to you on that one!
  11. If you want sympathy ... get out your dictionary and look between "tough" and "s#*t". If bouncing boobs and the threat of outing, can't get me a win ... your cockamamie sob story is going NOWHERE!
  12. Uh huh ... there's a grand canyon size credibility gap ... you're in full blown denial.
  13. Cool ... thanks ... I'll look into it. Does it / have you captured full length videos (ie; 2 hours)?
  14. Stop! Look at my avatar! If you still feel the need to reply, then that just proves that you are gay! Thank you.
  15. ... and THAT'S the dumbest idea of them all.
  16. Well that's about the dumbest idea that I've ever heard ... not that it's hard to do (would take access to the forums database and about 2 minutes to figure it out) ... dumb because then it would leave too many posters too much free time to post elsewhere on the board.
  17. Well said ... normally I would give you a zero for originality, but considering the source you stole it from ... Well ... we don't expect much from you anyways ... LOL
  18. It's been almost an hour and half ... I'm a winner!
  19. You could think that ... you could think we cared ... you'd be wrong, but please feel free to think that.
  20. What the heck is all this Bills talk for anyways?!? I thought that this was suppossed to be a Miami Dolphins board, so let's talk about the big Tuna!
  21. Has anyone captured analog video to digital? I want to capture my old 8mm tapes and I'm looking for recommendations on capture devices. I have a couple of old USB capture devices, so I know how it works, but the quality they produce isn't that hot. I've googled it, but can't find any good reviews on the different devices out there. I have USB 2.0 and firewire. Thx
  22. Go big or go home ... hell, mount a tape back-up.
  23. Looks like I picked the wrong time to check in ... and, I picked the wrong week to stop sniffing glue.
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