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Everything posted by damj

  1. Yupper, same here, then the week after I'm on the road for a couple days (always good to get out of the office), then a week of vaca ... July is shaping up to be a good month.
  2. We've been going about this all wrong! This Mr. Stay-Puft isn't so bad. He's a sailor, he's in New York; we get this guy laid, we won't have any trouble!
  3. We're headed for a disaster of biblical proportions ... Old Testament, real wrath-of-God type stuff! Fire and brimstone coming down from the sky! Rivers and seas boiling! Forty years of darkness! Earthquakes, volcanoes... The dead rising from the grave! Human sacrifice! Dogs and cats living together! Mass hysteria!
  4. Speaking of hell, you're all going there if you don't stop this thread ...
  5. Isn't the answer to your question obvious?
  6. Last one to wish Rfeynman a happy birthday wins. Game on!
  7. ANOTHER reason I'm glad that I send my kids to a private school!
  8. Nice try ... just one question ... which one are you? Steve Chen, Chad Hurley or Jawed Karim? Enquiring minds really want to know!
  9. Don't worry Mrs. Brown, your son will get a chance some day.
  10. Happy Birthday to you ... Happy Birthday to you ... You look like a jackass, and post like one too. Cheers!
  11. Good point ... let us know if you need our help John
  12. Nice! I'm only 15 years in, I should do it now while I can still get off pretty cheap ... I didn't feel anything different when I hit 40 ... or 30 either ... it's just a number
  13. Yeah, I'm going with a big fat "NO" on that one.
  14. I agree, I can't totally call it a mid-life crisis when I'm still sporting a kid's booster seat in the back of the Challenger ... LOL My wife has been asking for an "Eternity ring" ... I guess it's where the stones go all around the band ... jewlery is always a safe bet
  15. My most sincere condolences on your loss. Though I probably have another 40+ years, WNY is getting a national cemetary, so I would like to be buried there.
  16. Yeah ... this could end badly ... very, VERY badly.
  17. But why the h-e- double hockey sticks would anyone want to use it as a phone. Epic Fail Mr. Jobs.
  18. Duh ... It only lasted 20 seconds ... who would be proud of that?!?
  19. Different time ... if that happened now, poor guy would've been arrested and sued for sexual harassment.
  20. Speaking for ... well ... everyone ... we don't want to hear about what you want to put where!
  21. +1 When job hunting, use all avenues. When I was looking in 2001, I networked and had an offer on the table with an old employer, but I was holding out for something with less travel ... had a headhunter who got me a bunch of interviews, but nothing panned out. The job I ended up taking was the result of a cold call. Keep all options open.
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