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Everything posted by damj

  1. Well, however it happened, it's good to see these guys put the past behind them. I still doubt that they would record or tour together again, but maybe a concert or two is possible.
  2. Where r u suppossed to be? Home watching hemaphrodidic porn?
  3. I haven't really had a bad experience with headliners, but some truly awful opening acts ... Icicle works opening up for David Gilmour ... first song wasn't bad ... but every song sounded the same ... my buddy fell asleep. Some band (forgot the name) that opened for Metallica up in Hamilton in the early 90s ... they were so bad that we tried to get as far away as we could, so we stood by the front door inside the arena. Lastly ... opening for Mountain, April Wine and Deep Purple a few years ago in Toronto was a band from Montreal whose name was quite literal ... "It Sucks", and believe me ... they did. Very Spinal Tap-esque, only they weren't kidding.
  4. ... again proving why I'm glad NOT to send my kids to public schools ...
  5. To paraphrase former Cardinals head coach Dennis Green ... He's who I thought he was!
  6. Tell me about it ... I always thought that one of these days David was going to cut him into little pieces
  7. Well then, you're in the right place. Pull up a chair ... 'Relax,' said Rfeynman, 'We are programmed to receive. You can post here any time you like, But you can never leave!'
  8. Fire and brimstone coming down from the skies! Rivers and seas boiling! ... Forty years of darkness! Earthquakes, volcanoes ... The dead rising from the grave! ... Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together, David Gilmour and Roger Waters playing together ... mass hysteria! They played a set together at a charity auction last weekend, and now this news from Waters ...
  9. +1 ... and add Randy Rhoads ... he had just stratched the surface of his talent before he died
  10. come on now ... don't be thinking that we all play on your team ... 'K?
  11. I'm only 41, and today isn't my birthday. But otherwise, thanks!
  12. I've got your back ... as I plunge the knife in!!!
  13. Sorry to tell you, but Tuesday's gone ... with the wind.
  14. [Rfeynman defeats a worthless-TBD-poster] damj: You fight with the strength of many men, Sir knight. [pause] I am damj, King of Last Post Wins thread. [pause] I seek the finest and the bravest Bills Fans in the land to join me. [pause] You have proved yourself worthy; will you join me? [pause] You make me sad. So be it. Come, Patsy. Rfeynman: None shall pass. damj: What? Rfeynman: None shall pass. damj: I have no quarrel with you, good Sir, but I must win this. Rfeynman: Then you shall die. damj: I command you as King of the Last Post Wins thread to stand aside! Rfeynman: I move for no man. damj: So be it! [hah] [parry thrust] [damj chops the Rfeynman's left arm off] damj: Now stand aside, worthy adversary. Rfeynman: 'Tis but a scratch. damj: A scratch? Your arm's off! Rfeynman: No, it isn't. damj: Well, what's that then? Rfeynman: I've had worse. damj: You liar! Rfeynman: Come on you pansy! [hah] [parry thrust] [damj chops the Rfeynman's right arm off] damj: Victory is mine! [kneeling] We thank thee Lord, that in thy merc- [Rfeynman kicks damj in the head while he is praying] Rfeynman: Come on then. damj: What? Rfeynman: Have at you! damj: You are indeed brave, Sir, but the fight is mine. Rfeynman: Oh, had enough, eh? damj: Look, you stupid bastard, you've got no arms left. Rfeynman: Yes I have. damj: Look! Rfeynman: Just a flesh wound. [Headbutts damj in the chest] damj: Look, stop that. Rfeynman: Chicken! Chicken! damj: Look, I'll have your leg. Right! [whop] [damj chops the Rfeynman's leg off] Rfeynman: Right, I'll do you for that! damj: You'll what? Rfeynman: Come 'ere! damj: What are you going to do, bleed on me? Rfeynman: I'm invincible! damj: You're a loony. Rfeynman: Rfeynman always triumphs! Have at you! Come on then. [whop] [damj chops the Rfeynman's other leg off] Rfeynman: All right; we'll call it a draw. damj: Come, Patsy. Rfeynman: Oh, oh, I see, running away then. You yellow bastards! Come back here and take what's coming to you. I'll bite your legs off!
  15. Welcome Van ... and BillsRUs is right ... that doesn't represent TBD ... usually we cover that much ground in 10 minutes, it was a slow day yesterday.
  16. I heard his Chroise is off the charts
  17. No, we're blaming hell on /dev/null
  18. Speaking of trip, Tomothy Leary was also a nice cheerful fellow, especially when he was hitting the 'cid
  19. damj: I tried to think of the most harmless thing. Something I loved from my childhood. Something that could never, ever possibly destroy us. Mr. Stay-Puft... shrader: Nice thinking, damj. damj: We used to roast Stay-Puft marshmallows, by the fire at Camp Waconda! shrader: damj has gone bye-bye, BillsGuyInOrchardPark. What have you got left? BillsGuyInOrchardPark: Sorry, shrader. I'm terrified beyond the capacity for rational thought.
  20. That's society in general ... by and large, we're a victim society ... no one takes personal responsibility for anything, including parenting, so they think that they can dump their kids off in front of a tv all day ... then dump them off at school and it's the government's job to teach them ... while at the same time liberal wackos have turned schools into social engineering experiments. My wife is a public school teacher, I see how hard of a job it is, especially when they come up with the "miracle" new program that is supossed to fix everything that is wrong with our educational system. Case in point, I graduated high school in New York when a Regents diploma was something to be earned. But that wasn't fair because not everyone can get one, and we don't want to hurt their feelings, so let's give them to everyone ... only not everyone can meet the standards, so let's lower the standards. So now, instead of having something to recognize students who excel, you have something that is meaningless. Crap like this is why we're glad to send our kids to a private school. Don't blame the teachers, they're trying to the best that they can with what they're given.
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