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Everything posted by damj

  1. Soooooo glad I bought a 58 jersey last year
  2. If we get to Ben DiNucci on the field, we might as well play Ben Dover.
  3. I LOVE green pepper welfare burgers!
  4. I'd rather sign a box of JuJubees
  5. Not unless you're talking about The Walmart. Walmart is less than The Walmart
  6. I was in Kariba Zimbabwe 10 years ago for a work trip and the restaurant at the resort had 4 dishes with Buffalo Bills / NFL themed names. I believe it
  7. Great signing. One of the toughest guys I ever played against. Sincerely, Steve Largent
  8. Sure... Veteran minimum, $0 guaranteed
  9. My daughter has ZERO interest in sports, but she does love high price swag, so we used to go to the hotel where the Bills oppenents stayed and watch them get on the bus. Good stuff
  10. Ask me again if he makes the team
  11. Big group to Indy. Smaller groups to Baltimore and Detroit
  12. Meet a guy name Bill at Bar Bills to shell out bills for Bill's Bills Jersey
  13. I only want receivers who are fast and named Xavier.
  14. Pass. I'd rather go BXA Best Xavier Available
  15. We need quantity for depth.
  16. Or Friday night if we trade back out of Round 1
  17. Thanks for letting me know. Anyone want my tickets?
  18. Yeah. If coach would've put me in fourth quarter... we'd have been Superbowl champions, no doubt. No doubt in my mind. You better believe things would have been different. I'd have gone to Canton ...in a heartbeat. I'd be makin' millions of dollars and... livin' in a... big ol' mansion somewhere. Josh who?!?
  19. Too bad Belicheck isn't around any more. He was always good for one
  20. Same here, I was one of the 1.3 million people from Buffalo who were in the stadium that day, and I still have the banner I hung in the tunnel.
  21. I think it's a fitting tribute that his name should never be taken down from Rich Stadium. I just wouldn't put it back up in the new one.
  22. I regret that I can only vomit once to this idea.
  23. Where do you get the 17 mil to pay him?
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