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Everything posted by damj

  1. Honor, respect and thank you to all those who have served! USMC/USMCR 1987-91; Desert Storm
  2. Sounds like she assaulted him by repeatedly slamming her face into his fist
  3. Smoke was hurt most of last year anyways. I like the guy, but don't miss him
  4. I'm good with that. He might be able to block a fat girl ... would be an improvement over what we had on Sunday.
  5. Point of Reference: Zack Moss had average YBC (Yards before contact) of 1.8 last season
  6. Not me ... hurts like hell to fold it in half!
  7. Deon Dawkins, Ike Boettger, Mitch Morse, Cody Ford & Daryl Williams. Severe bruising to gluteus maximus and injured pride
  8. Per WGR ... our RBs had an average of 0.22 yards before contact. That's less than 8 inches. Very telling stat just how bad the o-line was.
  9. Yes, and we see how the Offense responds. Our D got punched in the mouth against Tennessee, but otherwise they have given us a chance to win every week. It's the offense that is falling short
  10. And it's the offense ... the defense has played well the last 2 weeks. The offense isn't holding up their end.
  11. I think it's complacency. They need to play harder with more effort for 60 minutes. D did it ... the offense needs to realize that their shot DOES stink and they have to play a whole lot better
  12. I agree. They played a bad game on D against Tennessee; offense almost pulled out the win. We took a gamble and lost. Ok, it was one game. But ... then to sit with that over the bye week and come out flat the first half against Miami, then turned it on in the second half and won going away. Perhaps they've just gotten complacent and think they can just roll out and win the game. Miami should have been a wake up call. We'll see where they are next week. If they come out flat again, then we really need to worry.
  13. No, I think he's just being honest. I don't get that he's gloating out of that comment
  14. Yes, that was an ugly loss, but they seemed to have responded until the Tennessee game. Then the slow start against the Dolphins, now this game. Maybe you're right ... maybe we crushed a few weak teams, started to believe the hype and now we're paying for it
  15. This loss definitely took my wind out the sails
  16. I still think we'll make the pay-offs ... but only if this team gets their head out of the assess and into the games. We have to stop buying the hype that we're an elite team and focus on stacking some wins.
  17. Does it matter? Not saying we're going to lose, but we certainly could. And 13 points? fuggedaboutit, take the Jets with the points
  18. After struggling for the first half against Miami, I thought that would've been a wake-up call. Living with the Tennessee loss over the by week should have been a wake-up call. How many wake-up calls does this team need?
  19. Losing to the Jags shows that we can lose to anyone. It's time to adjust our expectations. We're 3 games out of the lead for first in conference. 1/2 game ahead of NE for the division. Within 1 game of 7 teams in the mix for 3 play-off spots. We'll probably drop more games we should win. We need to focus on winning the division and making the play-offs and hope that figure something out by the play-offs.
  20. I don’t know if we’ll beat the Jets, butt we’ve proven that we can lose to anyone.
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