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Everything posted by damj

  1. Just donated $17 to Visually Impaired Advancement of WNY in recognition of Scott Novak's crew.
  2. ... Visually Impaired Advancement of WNY. I donated $17 in recognition of Scott Novak's crew's performance. Bills Mafia, as always ... is the best!
  3. I GUARANTEE that the Bills will go on a 4 game streak of not ending the game in a 2-2 tie.
  4. Agreed. I think 10-7 is likely. If we lose to CAR, ATL or NYJ, then we deserve to miss the play-offs and some heads will roll.
  5. Sign me up for that! I don't fault him for that. I fault him for 3rd & 3 and he hits the RB in the backfield and can't make the tackle. His play while good most of the time, always leaves you wanting for more. He's a good player, but he's not elite. He is not a difference maker
  6. Agreed ... but. We played 6 teams with a current record below .500 and blew out 4 of them. But we did lose to Jax ... so we've proven that on any given Sunday we can lose to anyone.
  7. This is a fine post. We'll see later in the week. Perhaps start Mitch and keep Josh in reserve if he's less than 90% and Mitch struggles. As for you ... you're ugly and your mother dresses you funny.
  8. I don't know if it was discussed before hand. The HC was Dick Jauron ... I would like to think that he would've taken a delay of game had he known.
  9. Difference is .... once again this team was flat and dominated for the first 2+ quarters. We didn't show up until the 3rd quarter again.
  10. We still face NE, and TBH ... I'm not sure we win that, so we're facing 10-7 if we beat ATL, CAR & NYJ. We should beat those 3, but after losing to Jax and the 9 week funk we've been in, I would not be surprised if we dropped one of those to finish 9-8. I doubt 9-8 gets us in the pay-offs. 10-7 might. What a change from talking about home field advantage and winning the AFC
  11. I love to see things like that. A great reminder that it's not always just a business. Such a shame to lose someone that young.
  12. Heard an interesting stat early this season. Every year for the last 25 seasons, at least one of the final 4 teams in the NFL playoffs failed to make the playoffs the next season. I heard that early in the season and after week 1 I thought maybe GB this year. Then after a few more weeks with KC struggling, I thought maybe them. Now I think we'll be the team to continue that stat for a 26th year.
  13. I think we lose again to NE and blow one of the other 3 "easy" games (ATL, CAR, NYJ)
  14. Exactly. The finally took the chains off Josh and he brought us back
  15. If we keep drafting enough D-Line, we'll find guards who don't suck
  16. Way to protect Josh by keeping him running so he doesn't get hurt. We may lose games, but we'll keep him safe. Nice
  17. I'm old enough to remember “Just give it to him "
  18. We picked up his 5th year option. I would try and trade him this offseason. If not, let him walk after next year
  19. Agreed. He's good, but some team will offer him stupid money. Don't match, let him walk
  20. True. 4th and goal on the 4, down by 10, TB driving on us at will and he goes for 3. That's a middling game manager, playing not to lose. Go for it. Get it and you're down by 3. Don't get it and you get an additional 20 yards to work with and try to make a stop.
  21. He is good... Let's not get crazy. He calls the d plays and you can count on him 80% of the time, but he's never a difference maker.
  22. I love Sanders... Great vet, class act and locker room leader. But if his injury keeps him out, it will allow Davis a chance to play, and Davis deserves it. This kid can play
  23. You're the 2nd Pat's fan I can respect. Also, the first one I'm not related to. Thanks for a good post.
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