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Everything posted by damj

  1. I thought the deadline after 7/17, they had to play under the tag. Apparently, they can still negotiate a one year contract, just not a multi year contract
  2. No Fool me once, shame on you Fool me twice, shame on me
  3. I think Non Football Injuries (NFIs) they still get paid. They would have to cut him (maybe with an injury settlement) to clear the cap space
  4. 2 shared stadiums ... so there are only 30 ... Only 1 worse than ours .. must be FedEx field
  5. I'll stick with my veteran plates. They've gotten me out of alot of speeding tickets
  6. We didn't win the Superbowl. Someone needs to be blamed.
  7. Yeah, but 5 months later and Diggs still can't get past it. This will probably simmer all season Especially when they have a bad game or 2, it'll probably flair up again. Bickering Bills part 2.
  8. I'm also concerned that this will continue to simmer all through the season and continue to be a distraction.
  9. Hate the Dolphins, but life matters so much more. Donation made
  10. Agreed; and we didn't have any cap room when he started. Alot of good value pick-ups
  11. I got a boogie on my roster and I can't get him off ... I got a boogie on my roster and I can't get him off ... Until now
  12. Big Baller Beane strikes again
  13. You can come hang with us. We'll be in the back it the lot... Look for our van
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