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Everything posted by damj

  1. Ok, I'll buy the camp injuries bit, but I hold out no hope for his improvment.
  2. Why is this guy still on the team? Can anybody explain that?
  3. I never jumped off the band wagon ... no honest .... my ankle hurts from kicking stale donuts at my Don Koharski doll ... honest
  4. No, no, no ... all lies ... it was sleep apnea. Geez, don't you guys remember anything. No, wait ... yeah! He was hammered!
  5. Willis is faster than a speeding bullet! Able to leap tall defenders in a single bound! Look, out on the field! It's an Alexander, it's a Johnson, no, it's SuperWillis!
  6. Thank you for being our 1 delusional soul per page who still buys into this "Mike Williams is a Jag" conspiracy. That's just what the NFL wants us to believe ... but we know better ... he's a ...... whoa!!!!! Gotta run, the phone police are here! ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
  7. Attention Buffalo Sabres Fans, Please be advised that in the upcoming Eastern Conference Championship series against the Carolina Hurricanes, though it is likely that the Sabres will win this series, it is possible that the Buffalo Sabres may lose one or more games. In the event that this happens, please attempt to refrain from mass panic ( ) ... again. Sincerely, Department of Fan Mental Health and Well Being National Hockey League
  8. Wow ... no posts for 36 hours?!?!? Where's the love for Big MiKe?
  9. See I told you ... p.s. Move over, I want my seat on the bandwagon back!
  10. Who is Mike Williams? Who are the Jaguars? Who are the Buffalo Bills? Whoooooooo am I, who, who ...
  11. OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!! YOU KNOW WHAT THIS MEANS?!?!?!?!!? ahhhhhhhh .... probably that her Dad owns the team and ahhhhh .... not much else beyond that..... Why do we read tooooooooooooo much into everything.
  12. Oh please .... he was a very good player, but there are waaaaaaay better WR's ahead of him who probably won't ever make the HOF ...
  13. The sky is falling .... the sky is falling!!!!! Wide Right, Home Run Throwback, No Goal .... we're doomed!!!!!!!!! That's it .... I'm jumping off of the bandwagon (but please save my seat .... I'll be back on after saturday ).
  14. Where else would you rather be, but right here (in this thread) ... right now!
  15. Better check your facts ... since big Mike signed with Tampa, food prices in the greater Tampa Bay metropolitan area have been more volatile than gas. In fact, many people are loading up gas cans and driving out of state to trade for food.
  16. Me too, we've had such good luck with Texas players ...
  17. Not going to happen ... who would be dumb enough to want Peerless ... I mean besides us?
  18. I guess he was so disattisfied by Mike Williams signing with Tampa, that he figured that he might as well retire.
  19. Breaking news ... Word out of Ottawa is that they are considering signing Mike Williams to play goal ....
  20. Bucky Brooks and JD Williams?!?
  21. Don't forget that stand-out WR/KR from UB ... Drew Haddad!!!!
  22. Whew! I'm so glad this thread died! After 3 days, and no bumps, it's safe to say we won't be seeing this one anymore! Oh wait ... doh!
  23. Thanks for clearing that up bluenews ... I always thought that China was in the far east. I didn't realize that it was ACTUALLY in central Florida. I've always wanted to go there, but now I can afford it since it's so close. I've already made my non-refundable airline reservations. Thanks again bluenews, I owe you one!
  24. Personally, I like the move where hides, sobbing, for undisclosed personal issues, then books it to the all-you-can eat buffet. I think that's his best move.
  25. Yeah, and he changed his name to Won Tun Mon.
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