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Everything posted by damj

  1. It's this awful cable television channel that shows nothing but chick flicks. My wife is addicted to it ... it makes me want to chew my own leg off rather than watch ... Big Mike likes it ... alot .... it makes him all weepy inside.
  2. He's doing well in the buffet line. He's also spending alot of time in the film room, unfortunately he's watching Lifetime all the time and crying like a little girl.
  3. Yes, we got great value in the trade ... an old, deflated football and a nice big pile of belly button lint. Marv is a better GM than I would be. I wouldn't settled for the belly button lint.
  4. How much wood would Mike Williams chuck, if Mike Williams could chuck wood?
  5. yeah, I'll kick his butt ... what do you mean, 40" neck ... hang on, let me google "Takeo" ... okay, I'm back .... here comes the picture .... Oh my god ! Takeo, please forgive me ... I didn't mean it
  6. As a loyal Bills fan, I feel that it is my moral obligation to keep this thread alive until I see Big Mike Williams in a pro bowl uniform ... all proud and what not in his NFC jersey and Bucs helmet .... yessireee .... that's the ticket!
  7. Oh wait ... I don't know you, and you know what they say the 3 biggest lies are ... 3.) I'll still respect your mail in the morning 2.) The check is in your mouth, and {drumroll please} 1.) I won't c*# in your mailbox.
  8. Did you see that picture?!? I'm not scared of him ... I'll kick his old, Japanese butt!!!!
  9. Damn! All that time off hasn't been good for my man! He is NOT! looking good!!!!!!!!
  10. I wonder how many of those poor shmucks who waited all night actually got any (oh hey, wait ... tixs I mean .... lol) Good sig Devil Dog! Ooh Rah!
  11. Anybody know how much Sabres tickets are for this round? I want to pick some up on the way home.
  12. Soprano365 told me he has inside sources with the Bills that said Mike Williams signed with the Jags ... therefore I doubt that Mike Williams exists ... in fact I doubt that the Jacksonville Jaguars exist.
  13. Ok, I'll buy the camp injuries bit, but I hold out no hope for his improvment.
  14. Why is this guy still on the team? Can anybody explain that?
  15. I never jumped off the band wagon ... no honest .... my ankle hurts from kicking stale donuts at my Don Koharski doll ... honest
  16. No, no, no ... all lies ... it was sleep apnea. Geez, don't you guys remember anything. No, wait ... yeah! He was hammered!
  17. Willis is faster than a speeding bullet! Able to leap tall defenders in a single bound! Look, out on the field! It's an Alexander, it's a Johnson, no, it's SuperWillis!
  18. Thank you for being our 1 delusional soul per page who still buys into this "Mike Williams is a Jag" conspiracy. That's just what the NFL wants us to believe ... but we know better ... he's a ...... whoa!!!!! Gotta run, the phone police are here! ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
  19. Attention Buffalo Sabres Fans, Please be advised that in the upcoming Eastern Conference Championship series against the Carolina Hurricanes, though it is likely that the Sabres will win this series, it is possible that the Buffalo Sabres may lose one or more games. In the event that this happens, please attempt to refrain from mass panic ( ) ... again. Sincerely, Department of Fan Mental Health and Well Being National Hockey League
  20. Wow ... no posts for 36 hours?!?!? Where's the love for Big MiKe?
  21. See I told you ... p.s. Move over, I want my seat on the bandwagon back!
  22. Who is Mike Williams? Who are the Jaguars? Who are the Buffalo Bills? Whoooooooo am I, who, who ...
  23. OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!! YOU KNOW WHAT THIS MEANS?!?!?!?!!? ahhhhhhhh .... probably that her Dad owns the team and ahhhhh .... not much else beyond that..... Why do we read tooooooooooooo much into everything.
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