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Everything posted by damj

  1. Now it says 10 more!!! Oh COME ON!!!! It keeps changing!!!
  2. Okay 12 more ... maybe I can hang on ...
  3. I'm tired of being a Rookie!!! How many posts until I move up?!? Answer me quick, I need to know if I should tell my boss to F-off, move back into my parents basement and get busy posting!
  4. I would LOVE this move ... as long as he never had to play. We've brought in every othe Chi-town reject, so this makes perfect sense.
  5. I don't get it ... why would we sign another Derrick Dockery if we just cut him?!?! Seriously, I don't know ... given the recent success of our pro-personal department, it could be anyone.
  6. I saw Robert Royal at the airport. I asked him for his autograph. He said "Sure, toss me your pen". I tossed it to him, but he dropped it and it rolled under a wino. Robert said "Sorry", turned and walked away. I wiped away the tear that was just starting to form ... then slapped to old woman next to me who was chopping onions.
  7. You can try ... me and H2o might tag team ya though ... lol.
  8. We cool ... I realized after I posted I was coming across like a d---head.
  9. Sure, the Bills will be shopping, but will it be at Wegmans, or will it be at Aldis?
  10. Yup! And that was why Russ Brandon was in the back seat.
  11. Brady was giving Peters a hummer in a hummer while humming.
  12. If they only knew ... I mean after all this is Buffalo ... the city where NOTHING ever gets done!!!
  13. That's weird, I saw Peters driving in a hummer with Tom Brady about 1/2 hour ago ...
  14. lol ... strong blast from the noob ... welcome! Whoda think it? I always suspected Cassell ... but I never thought the Goose was gay ...
  15. With a username like Bucky FillUps, it has to be good ... you did not disappoint ... lol
  16. I'm just messin' with ya ... I hope he does well actually ... personally, I like the guy, just not as my QB.
  17. I'm sorry, I'll try better next time ... lol. Seriously though, I hope he lands somewhere ... personally, I like the guy ... just not as my QB.
  18. Ok, but as you are JP's agent, shouldn't you be making phone calls instead of hanging us with us here at TSW?!?
  19. I just saw JP filling out a job application at Wegmans.
  20. H2o ... nothing personal, I didn't mean to flame you ... please accept my apology. My (not so well stated point) is not to read too much into Dockery getting cut.
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