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Everything posted by damj

  1. Evans and Coles would be awesome!!! Git ur done Russ!!!!!!
  2. Laverneous Coles is coming in for a visit per Russ Brandon on 103.3 ... SWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. We've had so many awful QBs ... I think Billie Joe Gunrack's utter lack of cencern re: preparation really separates him from the pack.
  4. Alma Mater Fight, fight for Buffalo, be proud to fight for your dear Blue and White. So Hit 'em high! Hit 'em low! Throw 'em high! Throw 'em low! Fight for your dear old Bulls! Huh! Cheer, cheer for Buffalo, our spirit will be with you 'til the end. So play the game as best you can for the glory of our dear Buffalo!
  5. Sorry, I was sleeping ... is that wrong?!? I saw from another post that I have to get to at least 369 posts before moving up ... hmmm ... this might take a little longer than I thought ... lol
  6. I saw Albert Haynesworth walk off a plane this morning. He looked around and said "Damn, not again!", then walked over to the plane heading for Washington. I'll keep watching.
  7. You speak as if he ever was a notable player in this league Lots, so let's move along folks, there's nothing to see here ... move along
  8. Pooj, Okay ... that's spooky ... how did you find my pict?!?
  9. Don't get me wrong ... I would love to get Garcia as a back-up.
  10. Really ... I wasn't aware that the free agency signing period had begun ... we all no that no one talks to players before midnight ... right?!?
  11. Bucky Brooks sighting ... He writes for SI ... has Greer ranked the #24 available free agent SI - Top 25 Free Agents
  12. You are all so cruel ... yeah, laugh at the dumb rookie ... nice ... reeeeeeal nice LOL ... the journey continues ... on towards 300
  13. Ok ... This post will put me at 250 ... yea to me ... so let's see what happens when I hit that ole "Add Reply" button!
  14. They can't cut him ... I have him on my Dynasty team, and as a part owner ... I won't allow it.
  15. Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? I have to go bathroom ... Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet?
  16. How dare you call "Where in the World is Mike Williams" posts meaningless!!! lol
  17. Yeah, he told me to back away from the deep fryer, take off my McUniform and leave.
  18. Hmmm .... best offer I've had all day. Done.
  19. Thanks, I'm glad to see that someone believes in me ... lol
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