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Everything posted by damj

  1. If you can't beat em ... sign em ... we can become Dallas North ...
  2. Those are the cajones that I like from my starting QB ...
  3. T.O. has no choice ... he is here because no one else wanted him ... if he plays well and stays under control, he can parlay it into another deal somewhere else next year ... screw up, and it's retirement. TO should be smart enough to understand the situation, if not, Rosenhaus I'm sure explained it to him.
  4. The Coles situation is starting to remind me of Bryant Johnson last year.
  5. Oh you trickster, you got me good ... Look! There's mustard on your shirt (he he he)
  6. He's better than anyone we have except Evans
  7. I'm sure that he didn't get a big signing bonus ... he could be cut
  8. They come for the ... uhh ... ummm ... there's ... ummmm ... I dunno!
  9. They've been talking Miami all along ... and it'll probably happen, but maybe we can make a run here ... pleaseohpleaseohpleaseohplease
  10. I saw Laverneous Coles going back into the airport. I stopped him and said "Do you have a contract yet?". He said "No". So, I said "Well then, turn around and go get it done". He said "Okay", and got back in his cab. I'll keep you guys posted.
  11. Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!! Boller couldn't hit the broad side of a barn!
  12. Yeah ... those damn rooks ... take 'em out and shoot 'em!!!!
  13. I was thinking 200 ... went past that and thought ... "ok, 250" ... WRONG. It think it's 500 ... at my rate of posting ... I'll get there about the time ... the Bills make the play-offs ...
  14. What ... no "Easy" button? Maybe I can hack the site and change it in the SQL database ...
  15. But they're quality posts ... honest! ... As high quality as anything else I've read so far ... and prostrating myself at your mercy ... that has quality. LOL
  16. I'm glad we're not just throwing $$$ at every big name like Washington is doing ... some solid names thrown around so far ... I might panic in a week or two, but right now I'm in a happy place.
  17. You could be right, but ... there is a glaring need for WR here, so it's a good starting gig. I'll take it at face value.
  18. Same skill or not, defenses can't double both of them.
  19. Nice ... Fitzpatrick might be a nice option at #2, though I would prefer a more experienced back-up ...
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