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Everything posted by damj

  1. Damn Woody! You are good ...
  2. I figured that we needed another new TO post ... Is it TO or T.O.?? Please vote.
  3. There are an infinite number of useless TO posts that we can start ... or is T.O. ... hmmm
  4. Kiper has great hair though ... not only is he a Hair Club For Mutants member, he is the president.
  5. I wouldn't go that far ... I'm always up for a good discussion of Gibran Hamdan's chroise!
  6. Good grief people ... what in the h-e-double hockey sticks has Hardy done in this league to even warrant discussion ... give it to TO and move on ... he can have it back next year. It he became so attached to it ... give him 18 until TO leaves ...
  7. So we stop talking about T.O. and talk about ... {sound of crickets chirping} ... anyone ... anyone ...
  8. Might TO shake up the chemistry in the locker room? Maybe ... probably ... but it's the chemistry of a mediocre 7-9 that is spinning it's wheels, so why would this not be a GOOD thing!!!
  9. I've been as quick as anyone to bash TO in the past, but let's give him a fair chance ... he's saying all the right things so far ... I'm willing to give him a chance. And let's be honest ... TO is TO ... so let's not expect him to be a meek, quiet guy ... He is what he is ... but let's give him a chance to prove himself here...
  10. As soon as the Bills stop making us want to we'll drop the emoticon ... until then, we remain proud Bills fans , drown ourselves in our sorrows , have faith , and enjoy watching our beloved team
  11. Playoffs? Don’t talk about playoffs! Are you kidding me? Playoffs? I’m just hoping we can win another game! Sincerely, J. Mora
  12. No s#@t Sherlock ... I still watch the street every day! Elmo rocks!
  13. Then I got past 1 and you realized he would've finished, had a smoke and gone to bed by then?!? lol
  14. Well excuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuse me! I was 5 when SNL came out!
  15. {down} {up} 3! ... to be continued ...
  16. Ooo baby! And just when you thought I went away ... lol
  17. Fudge Nuggets!!!!!!!!!!! In the immortal words of Rosanna Anna Dana ... "Never Mind"!
  18. Yes! Yes! Yes! ... 299 posts ... this gem here will put me at 300 and get me out of rookie purgatory ... see ya you suck-a$$ rookie losers!!!!!
  19. Is TO a bowler? Hopefully Marshawn doesn't give him directions to Dave and Busters ... it would be like "run over the woman on chippewa, then turn left, 3 lights down, turn {blah blah blah} then, run over a mailbox {blah blah blah} then turn left on transit, go about 1/2 mile and it's on your right".
  20. Me too ... and my high school guidance counselor said that I would never amount to anything ...
  21. What news from the jungle ... I heard a couple minutes of Rome, and he seemed to like it.
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