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Everything posted by damj

  1. Because if someone started a new Cutler thread, I was going to do violence on their manhood, so I ... started ... oh dang! I didn't think of that .... OWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!! ... {in high pitched voice} ... that hurt, I am such a dumb a$$!!!
  2. Well we do have a large Geico office here ... maybe he's shopping for car insurance
  3. If I see one more Cutler thread ... I'm gonna boot someone in the yam bag ... I'm serious!!!!
  4. Awww come on!!! I'm losing brain cells with every post ... at this rate I'll be a worthless tub of goo by thursday ... I guess I'll have to change my name to Mike Williams.
  5. For what it's worth ... I saw Mike Williams get off of a plane from Miamiville Bay ... he looked good ... he was a svelt 650 pounds ... he gave me 3 boxes of his Krispy Kremes ... I saw him get in an SUV with a Buffalo Bills parking tag hanging from the rear window. Unfortunately, the cheap shocks and tires all blew on the passenger side for some inexplicable reason ... they were waiting for a new car when I left.
  6. Yeah ... but only 121 more quality posts like this I will no longer be a rookie ...
  7. Guess who I saw at the airport tonight around 6:45 ... you won't believe me, but luckily I had my camera phone ... Link
  8. Yeah ... democracy will work in Iraq ... sure ...
  9. The Biils signed Tony Orlando?!? Cool, but what about Dawn?!?
  10. H2o likes to fart in bed and pull the covers over his head.
  11. Yeah, and we ripped him a new one so big that you drive a semi in there and not get the side mirrors dirty ... hasn't been seen since.
  12. BobFreakinVilla ... you are freakin' awesome ... AWESOME!. This is hysterical ... if Soprano thought we rode him good last time, just wait until this LOSER dares to show his face around here again ... I'm at work and my connection is slow right now so I didn't read all the posts, but did anyone from TSW post there ... I'm sure the Broncs fans there will love to know ...
  13. With so many people leaving the area, there's Bills Bars almost everywhere ...
  14. We went through the same thing ... my daughter (now 5) has gotten better, but even now she still waits until the last minute, then when she has to go ... you have like 3 minutes to find a bathroom ... 5 minutes top. When we go somewhere, we make sure she goes before we leave.
  15. Plus libraries have cds, dvds, computers and free internet. Books will always be around ... I'm a techno-geek, but would still rather read a paperback than read it on a screen. Libraries will survive though, because libraries are more about the information exchange, not the medium ... they'll evolve and adapt.
  16. Let's take up a collection so he can buy a nice gift for his prison boyfriend!
  17. damj and his cousin are the second consecutive generation of 1st cousins to marry sisters and he has a niece and nephew that are also 2nd and 4th cousins ... oh wait ... that one is true ... never mind.
  18. A guy at work (early 20s) asked me if I had a certain cd and I said no ... check the library ... he said "WHAT THE HELL IS THE LIBRARY??? A WB SITE??" I replied ... "Oh ... I'm sorry, I forgot that your a yung'un ... it's a building filed with books ... uh ... books ... sheets of paper with writing on them all bound together ... a building filled with books and records ... records ... big black things that spin and you listen to music on ... like cds, only bigger ... a building filled with books and records, and videotapes ... videotapes ... oh, yeah ... big black things we used to watch movies on ... you would put in in the vcr, they came in VHS and beta ... oh yeah beta ... NEVERMIND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'LL JUST BUY YOU SOME!!!!!!"
  19. If it don't fit you must aquit, so ... What the heck ... send a check ... from your deck ... eat beef and weck ... have a wreck ... Sincerely, Dr. Suess
  20. Man, you're right ... that is awful ... Cool bookstore though
  21. PTR ... thanks ... the %'s help ... getting a CBI bid is more impressive than I thought ... I knew that 64 ... err 65 (stupid play-in game) made the big one ... I figured that 32 made the NIT ... so these new ones must be 16 teams?
  22. H2o has two user accounts on this board ... he is also "Soprano"
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