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Everything posted by damj

  1. ARTHUR: Right! One... two... five! ???: Three, sir! ARTHUR: Three! [boom] That rabbit's dynamite
  2. BLZFAN4LIFE already ordered his Bills Cutler jersey to go with his Bills Bryant Johnson and Laveranues Coles jerseys.
  3. OMG! LOL ... outstanding ... rejected by a dog ... classic!
  4. and out ... and in ... and out ... and ...
  5. The Senator likes to put one of those little rubber things on his John Thomas!
  6. Don't be stingy man ... share some of them good drugs that you're on ...
  7. Story can't be true ... I saw someone post here that had inside sources that the Bills were going to trade for Cutler ...
  8. darwin award winner in the dog house ... and lovvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvving it!!!!
  9. Thanks for the perspective update MillBank
  10. LOL ... I got my 10 year old into that movie ... it's fun warping young minds. /dev/null is a silly English k-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-ig-it.
  11. LOL ... I think Paterson already put that in the budget.
  12. Oh, so you want to make this personal?!? you, i'm not playing your game. If you have a real point to make, then make it, otherwise keep it to yourself and let people with a better than room temperature IQ discuss it ...
  13. Let's hope he is a better president than basketball prognosticator
  14. I agree that they had a right to the money, but it's the perception issue ... you're right, they should have reduced and deferred the bonus payments until AIG was in better standing. It's like the other financial firm (whose name escapes me at the moment) who threw the retreat bash right after getting fed money ... I believe it was a different division that did not receive fed $$$ ... however it was the percepttion of it ... These execs are so out of touch that they can't see that. Aslo, the government is starting to get silly with their grandstanding over it. The saddest part is that the feds are quick to fan the flames here, but aren't trying to do much to ensure it (the whole crisis) doesn't happen again.
  15. Ditto what everybody else said ... Jennings
  16. Wow ... awful ... sorry about your loss. Sad, so young and with 2 young kids.
  17. I always enjoying walking Yonge street at night and watching the human freak show pass by ...
  18. /dev/null keeps making his signature longer just to impress us ... I don't want to talk to you no more, you empty headed animal food trough water! I fart in your general direction! Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries! ... Now go away or I shall taunt you a second time-a!
  19. AIG Executives deserve those bonus checks ... NOT! Show how greedy and out of touch that industry has become ...
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