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Everything posted by damj

  1. How long till Soprano's inside sources reveal this?!? Thank God this Cutler thing is over
  2. Drawing a blank there ... "Man, that's a shame when folks be throwing out a perfectly good white boy like that".
  3. That might be something with Vista ... it seems to ne remembering the old location ... try re-booting ... what apps is it happening in?
  4. Great thread ... hmmm ... Blazing Saddles?
  5. Pain is fun! I was playing Fight Fire with Fire on medium and my barely made it through ... my son was laughing at me, until he tried it ... at least I made it all the way through.
  6. There's your problem. yet! Seriously, check and see if you have a dual monitor set-up.
  7. Don't get Todd Heap. He's brittle and gets hurt waaaaay too much. You don't want to be overpaying for a talented player that only plays in about 1/3 of the games. Sincerely, Tim Connolly
  8. I think that we should trade all of our practice squad players for pro-bowlers ... we might have to throw in a couple of draft picks to balance it out ...
  9. Thanks Pooj ... I still get smacked around, but at least guys are much nicer about it ... LOL ... of course I expect nothing less ...
  10. Headin' down to Orlando & St. Pete's Beach for some R&R next week ... any tips on cool things to see/do, restaurants, etc ... We're not doing House of Mouse in Orlando, so outside of Seaworld, we have no plans. Last time I was in St Pete's Beach was 10 years ago ... we did the Dali museum and ate at Silas's Steakhouse ... any other suggestions?
  11. Scoob ... why do this to yourself?!? You should know better ...
  12. Gotta love the influx of stupid noobs ... or not! My guess this is another member trolling the board ... how sad.
  13. Exactly ... good grief people ... IT'S A FRICKIN' GAME ... I don't see people saying "Oh Jeez, if you want to shoot at people why don't you just join the army instead of playing call of duty".
  14. Actually ... Inside sources have revealed that Soprano has small balls ... tiny really ... and a brain that is even smaller ...
  15. Sweet ... I've had JD twice, but never made it past the call-in the night before
  16. Wow ... you really fooled me ... not!
  17. One time ... we did a screen shot of a file that a guy had open ... set that as his background and hid all his icons ... It took him an hour and several re-boots to figure out that his computer wasn't frozen ...
  18. Oh chit ... this board will be AWFUL tomorrow ... how many stupid effin' Jay Cutler posts are we going to see?!?
  19. I'd be happy with just Comfortably Numb ... asking for a whole game is asking too much ...
  20. Picked up the Metallica Guitar Hero yesterday. What a blast! ... this is by far my favorite so far of the whole series. Now I'm holding my breath for a Zeppelin, Rush or Iron Maiden one ...
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