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Everything posted by damj

  1. I would just say that you wanted to apologize about the other night and that you wanted to leave before anything got said that would interfere with your friendship. If that doesn't work, kick him in the nuts and run away.
  2. Nice! Of course my favorite ax right now is my Guitar Hero controller ... lol
  3. Yeah, I got my reaming done last night.
  4. 2 large here ... ouch! We need to fix that for next year.
  5. I'm not worthy I'm not worthy I'm not worthy I'm scum ... I suck ... You should get a 12 string ...
  6. Same here ... except I've been playing off and on (more off than on) for about 25 years. I'm stuck at not-so-terrible, but I still aspire to reach sub-adequate. What axes does everyone have ... I have: 3/4 scale classical Ovation roundback acoustic Gibson Ephiphone Les Paul (Cherry Sunburst) Fender Squire Strat (cream)
  7. Yes. You used up all the glue on purpose!
  8. IMDB Link Gozer: The Choice is made! Dr. Peter Venkman: Whoa! Ho! Ho! Whoa-oa! Gozer: The Traveller has come! Dr. Peter Venkman: Nobody choosed anything! [turns to Egon] Dr. Peter Venkman: Did you choose anything? Dr. Egon Spengler: No. Dr. Peter Venkman: [to Winston] Did YOU? Winston Zeddemore: My mind is totally blank. Dr. Peter Venkman: *I* didn't choose anything... [long pause, Peter, Egon and Winston all look at Ray] Dr Ray Stantz: I couldn't help it. It just popped in there. Dr. Peter Venkman: [angrily] What? *What* "just popped in there?" Dr Ray Stantz: I... I... I tried to think... Dr. Egon Spengler: LOOK! [they all look over one side of the roof] Dr Ray Stantz: No! It CAN'T be! Dr. Peter Venkman: What is it? Dr Ray Stantz: It CAN'T be! Dr. Peter Venkman: What did you DO, Ray? Winston Zeddemore: Oh, sh#t! [they all see a giant cubic white head topped with a sailor hat, Peter looks at Ray] Dr Ray Stantz: [somberly] It's the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man.
  9. So in a day or two some dork like Soprano or one of the tons of noobs popping up every day doesn't roll this one out ... of course, not that already having a post on it will stop them, so point well taken.
  10. Yes. Do you mean "Yup ... It's the StayPuft Marshmellow Man" ... that would be Ghostbusters. How about ... "I showed them ... I had a lobotomy, man"
  11. "The Browns, at No. 5, now can be expected to take an even closer look at Sanchez" ... Is the author of that article on crack?!? They already have Anderson and Quinn and are trying to move one ...
  12. Princess Bride ... I can hear Mandy Potamkin's voice saying it ... Bump ... Self-realization. I was thinking of the immortal words of Socrates, when he said, "I drank what?"
  13. Same ... Kubrick was friggin' brilliant! Do you mind if we dance wif yo dates?
  14. I don't think that it will affect the market for Peters ...
  15. Yes, I could hear Mandy Potamkin's voice saying it ... Self-realization. I was thinking of the immortal words of Socrates, when he said, "I drank what?"
  16. Actually, I wasn't going for humor with this post in the first place ... I was expressing, or attempting to express my frustration with the rampant Jay Cutler man-love on this board ... which ... I may add ... hasn't stopped now that he was traded to another team. Jay Cutler Man-Love ... More Cutler Man-Love ... Yada Yada Yada ... I am so fuggin' sick and tired of hearing about Jay Cutler.
  17. Ooo Rah! Motivating isn't it?!? "You fell victim to one of the classic blunders! The most famous is never get involved in a land war in Asia, but only slightly less well-known is this: never go in against a Sicilian when death is on the line!"
  18. Who cares, besides Bears fans and fantasy football players?
  19. Oh come on Woody ... aim for something a little more challenging ... "What's your major malfunction numbnuts?!?"
  20. I think stuckincincy is a mouse salesman ... lol Seriously, sometimes mice are programmed to respond differently to different apps. Try this ... open the app(s) that you're are opening off screen ... "Alt-Tab" to select it, "Alt", "Enter", "Left Arrow", "M", then use your arrow keys to move the window to where you can see it, then hit "Enter". Close the app and re-open and it should open where you moved it to.
  21. These are the jokes folks ... I'm here all week ... try the veal.
  22. Damn! Just when I was getting somewhere! Do I have to move back into Mom's basement too?!?
  23. You got it ... coincidently, I'll be on vacation the next week.
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