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Everything posted by damj

  1. Whew! Makes me glad that I'm no longer a member. Mensa also just admitted a 2 year old, so you're in good company
  2. Semper fi ... I was in 87-91 ... got out right after the first Persian Excursion
  3. WTF! I really like this guy ... I thought he was a lock for the final 53. p.s. Who is he and what position did he play?
  4. As a former Marine, the irony wasn't lost on me, but I let it slide.
  5. The sheep ... err... fans will line up to buy it I'm sure. p.s. Semper Fi dog ...
  6. No ... the beer brings me down from my daily Two Minutes Hate ... I'll just wait ... Skooby is due to post any minute now ...
  7. Wait ... we get to go first. Sincerely, Flying Pigs and Hell Freezing Over
  8. lol ... I'll just have to find something else for my daily "2 Minutes Hate"
  9. Sorry, you're right ... I have a 5th grader ... he wouldn't be amused either ... actually the original post is so gay that I can't really work up any good hate to unleash on this fool ... I must be tired or something.
  10. We're not being a$$holes ... we're just being honest ... lol
  11. Well stated ... I wonder if this is the gayest of his 12 posts ... I don't give enough of a crap to check it out though ...
  12. Has anyone checked Wikipedia to see if we have already signed him?
  13. Inside sources have revealed Skooby's REAL identity ... Link
  14. Sorry Scooby-Dum ... this has your paw prints all over it
  15. I have 4 nieces and nephews who were home schooled on and off ... I think it's great. I think it can really help develop critical thinking skills. You lose some socialization, but there are home schooling groups you can get into as well.
  16. Not that it means a damn thing in May, but the EARLY line on week 1 has the Bills getting 10 ... Link
  17. Keep Vontae away from Ricky (Henderson) ... someone's head might explode
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