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Everything posted by damj

  1. Howard seems like a genuinely nice guy ... what do you expect him to say, he has to work with that Doink. Buftex hit the nail on the head ... White always has to say something contrary no matter what the topic is. He's like that guy in every group of friends who is around because he's friends with one guy in the group, but nobody else likes.
  2. This morning the douchebag was dumping on the new snow park in Niagara Falls ... gee, finally somebody builds something, anything in this area ... Luckily I'm putting a new radio in my truck with an iPod hook-up, so I can listen to that douchebag anymore ... shame, I like Hos ...
  3. Neil Young?!? He can't play, and he can't sing ... all he can do is make great music!
  4. +1 p.s. I hope Sullivan punches him dead in the face one day
  5. Both from FL?!? ... I think the heat has melted your brains.
  6. Only you Skoob ... only you. Sure, Vick has paid his debt to society and deserves a second chance ... I just don't want to see him here. Beyond sending the message that we're desperate and will take anyone, I think he was vastly over-rated as a QB ... sure he had a strong arm and could run, but that's all he brings. The "mobile" QBs who survive in this league are the ones who can actually pass too (McNabb, McNair, etc ...). The rest are one trick ponies that eventually the league figures out how to defense. Just say no to Mr. Mexico.
  7. I saw him at Buffalo City Hall negotiating with Byron Brown. Apparently, he has reached terms with the Bills and is negotiating for his welcome parade. So far Brown is offering cab fair from the airport and a key to a vacant janitorial closet ... stay tuned for maore updates on the negotiations.
  8. I can see that ... dib has the best avatars!
  9. BTW ... I'm polish, so if you tell any polish jokes, please type them s-l-o-w-l-y so that I can understand them.
  10. Most definitely not ... liberals thrive on being marginalized ... you'll NEVER hear the end of that one ... stick to safe ones like ethnicity
  11. Vick screwed up ... big time ... but he served his time and deserves a chance to resume his career if anyone will have him. Was his crime any better or worse than the ones the Senator mentioned is debateable ... with Vick, it's more the singularity of his crime, so it stands out more. Lots of guys in the league have done the things from Blutarsky's post, but only one was torturing and killing dogs. Another example ... lots of guys got in trouble in college, but who was the only one to poop in a girl's closet (Najeh Davenport). Vick should get another chance, just not here ...
  12. Good points ... The Senator is right ... generally when that word gets thrown out it's in the context of saying somthing is stupid, but is not to demean homosexuals.
  13. Lighten up everyone and stop the PC crap. No one gets discriminated against here ... everyone gets run just the same ... but it's not personal.
  14. Will never happen ... he would be too much of a distraction. Sincerely, T.O.
  15. Don't forget queer, meaning odd or funny. Faggot, which is a bunch of sticks Fag, which means cigarette The english language is a wonderous thing isn't it.
  16. I'm not free that day, I'll be at the Temples of Syrinx all day.
  17. I was walking down the street and a homeless man walked up to me and asked me ... "Hey buddy, can I bum a fag?". I said "Sure, it's a free country" and walked away.
  18. Coming here with that post is like walking into detention, announcing that you're a pacifist and have alot of lunch money.
  19. Oh come on, you have to know that this will end badly for you ... sheesh!
  20. Yes, ESPN has a couple up already ... Link
  21. That's the spirit! Gives a whole new meaning to take one for the team ... lol
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